TG Metals Encounters High Grade Nickel Mineralisation at Lake Johnston Project

THE DRILL SERGEANT: TG Metals (ASX: TG6) reported results of an initial aircore drilling program conducted in August on the Burmeister nickel laterite prospect at the company’s Lake Johnston nickel-lithium-gold project in Western Australia.

TG Metals, aircore drilling on the Burmeister nickel laterite deposit produced numerous high-grade intercepts of +1 per cent nickel and up to 3.23 per cent nickel.

Highlights include:

from 18m to 31m, 13m at 1.12 per cent nickel;

from 17m to 23m, 6m at 1.27 per cent nickel;

from 20m to 22m, 2m at 1.43 per cent nickel; and

from 28m to 29m, 1m at 3.23 per cent nickel.

TG Metals explained the drilling was widely spaced, effectively testing a large area of nickel laterite mineralisation, with a future proposed infill drilling (Phase Two) required to better define the continuity of this mineralisation.

“This initial aircore drilling program was designed to evaluate the presence of high-grade nickel within the laterite profile,” TG Metals CEO David Selfe said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The results have exceeded our expectations and yielded valuable insights into factors influencing the +1% high grade nickel laterite mineralisation.

“This mineralisation has the potential to serve as direct feed for third party laterite nickel processing facilities.

“We are also keen to potentially take advantage of the extensive lower grade material, with the aim of identifying an initial resource that may perform favourably to an on-site beneficiation up-grade.”