TG Metals Define Lake Johnston Nickel Sulphide Targets
THE DRILL SERGEANT: TG Metals (ASX: TG6) reported completion of a detailed nickel sulphide target generation review over approximately 30-kilometre strike of the company’s Lake Johnston project in Western Australia.
The recently-listed TG Metals said the review included decades of legacy exploration data that has now been collated for the very first time.
The company described the size of the target area and the number of targets generated as substantial, adding it provides an exploration opportunity in a region of proven nickel sulphide endowment.
“The collation and interrogation of historical exploration data provides a great foundation for the company’s exploration going forward,” TG Metals said in its ASX announcement.
TG Metals indicated its initial focus to be ultramafic rocks that host the Maggie Hays and Emily Anne nickel deposits to the north.
Within this trend TG Metals has identified:
• Nine priority ground electromagnetic (EM) conductors that have not been tested by drilling. Including three targets defined as drill-ready targets with no additional definition work required;
• Twelve areas have been identified as requiring additional ground EM. Modern high-powered ground EM will be beneficial in better defining targets at depth or differentiating between nickel sulphide mineralisation and sulphidic sediments (barren sulphides); and
• Other immediate drill targets include following up anomalous historical nickel drill intercepts, that may represent primary nickel sulphide mineralisation.
The company has ground EM crews booked to commence early October that are expected to test up to 12 priority areas within the Lake Johnston Ultramafic Trend.