Moho Resources Confirms Strong Gold Anomaly at Burracoppin
THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) was eager to announce completion of a maiden auger drilling program at the Crossroads prospect within the company’s Burracoppin gold project in Western Australia.
Moho Resources’ recent auger exploration program consisted 814 shallow auger holes to test aeromagnetic and gravity targets plus gold in soil anomalies within E70/4688.
The program focused on a number of exploration targets which the company had previously identified within the Tampia Structural Corridor of the Southwestern Terrane and located approximately 22 kilometres from Ramelius’ Edna May gold mine near Westonia.
Moho has received results from the first 380 samples at the Crossroads prospect, demonstrating >25ppb gold anomalies and a number of >100ppb gold anomalies within E70/4688.
A broader gold anomaly was also identified at the >8ppb level measuring approximately 1.4 kilometres east to west by 0.7km north to south that remains open to the north, west and east.
A partly coincident, high contrast arsenic anomaly peaks between 16 to 61ppm arsenic over a grid background level of 1-4ppm arsenic at the west, east and northern ends of the >25ppb gold anomaly.
Moho indicated it is proposing to undertake follow up auger sampling to the north, east and west of the currently defined >8ppb gold anomaly.
“Identification of such a strong gold in soil anomaly in first pass auger drilling is a great result for Moho and our exploration team and confirms the company’s initial assessment of the gold prospectivity of the Burracoppin project, Moho Resources managing director Shane Sadlier said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.
“Coincidence of arsenic with the gold anomalism is very encouraging.”