
Moho Resources Confirms Thick, High-Grade Clay-Hosted REE at Peak Charles

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) reported assay results from recent reconnaissance aircore drilling undertaken at the company’s Peak Charles project north of Esperance in Western Australia.

Moho Resources explained the objective of the phase 2 drill program was to test the continuation of clay basin hosted rare earth elements mineralisation, which it had identified between three different prospects during the first phase of drilling.

Of the 43 phase 2 aircore drill holes completed, 81 per cent returned assays greater than 300ppm total rare earth oxide (TREO) and 35 per cent returned assays greater than 750ppm TREO.

TREO results returned from the Top Block prospect demonstrated large thicknesses of high-grade clay-hosted mineralisation (grades below based on 300ppm TREO cutoff), including:

56 metres at 1,023ppm TREO from 24m, including 18m at 1,470ppm TREO;

40m at 689ppm TREO from 30m, including 6m at 1,057ppm TREO;

21m at 1,056ppm TREO from 24m, including 8m at 1,528ppm TREO; and

18m at 971ppm TREO from 20m, including 6m at 1,185ppm TREO.

“The second phase of Outstanding Total Rare Earth results from Peak Charles with large thicknesses of clay hosted rare earth mineralisation over 1.4 kilometres is a fantastic outcome for the company’s critical minerals strategy,” Moho Resource managing director ralph winter said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“With positive landholder relationships being cultivated the company is perfectly situated to take advantage of the burgeoning clay hosted rare earth province near Esperance and now has multiple targets to expand across the project.”

Moho’s next activity is to include a passive seismic survey over the Top Block prospect to define the extent of the Top Block clay basin as well as aircore drilling at Rollond East prospect and road reserve access drilling around the Gimli prospect.




Ralph Winter Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) October 2022

Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) is having a long hard look at the rare eath and critical metal potential of the company’s Burracoppin project in Western Australia. Moho managing director Ralph Winter zoomed into The Resources Roadhouse to tell Wally Graham how this is progressing and to bring him up to speed on the nickel potential of the company’s Silver Swan North project.

Moho Resources Commences Drilling at Omrah Nickel Target

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) has commenced RC drilling at the company’s Silver Swan North project in Western Australia to test the Omrah and Wise nickel targets.

Moho Resources explained the drilling program is targeting an EM conductor for ultramafic-hosted massive and disseminated nickel sulphide mineralisation and other ultramafics in the vicinity.

The Omrah prospect is host to an untested electromagnetic (EM) conductor that has been confirmed by interpretation of multiple surveys.

A 3,000m RC and diamond drilling program is planned to not only test the conductor, but also target additional ultramafic lithologies in the proximity.

The rig will then move to the nearby Wise prospect to commence 1,200m of RC drilling to investigate magnetic anomalies associated with ultramafic rocks and anomalous historic nickel intercepts.

“We are looking forward to testing the EM conductor at Omrah, given the potential for discovery of nickel sulphide mineralisation and the close proximity to Poseidon Nickel’s massive and disseminated nickel sulphide deposits,” Moho Resources managing director Shane Sadleir said in the company’s ASX announcement.









Drill Rigs Keep Spinning Across WA

COMMODITY CAPERS: Here at The Roadhouse, we often hear from companies of the difficulties they encounter trying to source drilling rigs to enable them to carry out exploration.

Our curiosity landed us on the webpage for the Western Australia Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, which delivered some sobering information.

We all know WA punches above its weight in terms of the Australian economy.

According to the Department, in 2019-20, WA achieved resource sales valued at $172 billion, making it a leading global resources precinct with a substantial global share of production for major and strategic commodities.

In 2019, WA’s share of global resources production included:

59 per cent of lithium, 32 per cent of iron ore; 29 per cent of garnet; 13 per cent of LNG; 12 per cent of rare earths; 12 per cent of zircon; 11 per cent of alumina; 11 per cent of diamonds, 6 per cent of gold; 6 per cent of nickel; 5 per cent of ilmenite; 4 per cent of cobalt; and 4 per cent of salt.

Not bad for a jurisdiction that boasts just 0.03 per cent of the global population.

“Western Australian mining operators have developed this scale of production capacity with a small population base through local development of leading technology, services and equipment,” the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation said.

“Western Australia is the global leader in autonomous and remote mining operations.”

This is where things got interesting.

The department provided a quick inventory of large-scale mining equipment across the state.

To produce the above-mentioned figures the industry is currently using just over 400 operating autonomous haul trucks across iron ore and open cut gold operations with more than 150 autonomous haul trucks to be added to the fleet.

The figure that raised The Roadhouse eyebrows was that there are only 48 autonomous drilling rigs in operations at mine sites.

Little wonder then, companies are screaming for rigs at a time when money is abundant and the global thirst for commodities constantly on the rise.

To exemplify what we mean, we took a random sampling of drilling underway across the state.



Kairos Minerals has just completed a program of reverse circulation (RC) drilling at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Roe Hills project, located east of Kalgoorlie.

The drill program comprised 20 holes testing high-priority gold and nickel targets at the Caliburn, Talc Lake and Black Cat prospects.

“We’re really excited to now have this drilling program complete, with the results expected to provide an important assessment of the high-priority gold and nickel targets at Roe Hills,” Kairos Minerals executive chairman Terry Topping said.

“We expect to receive assay results within the next six to seven weeks, however visual analysis of the RC chips indicates plenty of exciting potential, particularly at the Black Cat prospect where we can see broad zones of significant sulphides.”

If you think drill rigs are in short supply, try counting the number of lab analysts that are needed to keep up with demand.

Kairos indicated it would no be waiting at least six weeks for the results of this program to hit its inbox.

Undeterred, the company is now moving the rig to its other project, the Mt York gold project in the Pilbara, where current Mineral Resources stand at 873,000 ounces of gold.

That means transporting the rig from Kalgoorlie to the Pilbara, a trek that most other jurisdictions would no doubt consider outrageous.


Moho Resources announced the commencement of diamond drilling at the Crossroads prospect, located in the WA Wheatbelt and about 22km west of the Edna May gold mine.

The Crossroads prospect is part of Moho’s Burracoppin gold project, which is subject to a 70:30 Joint venture with IGO Limited.

The four-hole coring program of approximately 600m has been designed to follow up mineralisation the company encountered in its January 2021 RC drilling program.

“Moho is again fortunate to have secured West Core Drilling to undertake our maiden diamond drilling program at the Crossroads prospect,” Moho Resources managing director Shane Sadlier said.

“We are particularly looking forward to identifying the orientation of structures controlling the gold mineralisation intersected in the recent RC drilling program, and to then apply these findings to subsequent exploration programs.”

The program is partially funded by the WA Government as part of its Exploration Incentive Scheme to test a potential Intrusive-Related Gold mineral system at the Crossroads prospect.



Ralph Winter Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) April 2021

Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) commercial director Ralph Winter zoomed into The Resources Roadhouse to provide an update on exploration activities at the company’s Silver Swan North and Burracoppin projects in Western Australia and its Empress Springs project in Queensland.

Moho Resources Identifies New High-Grade Gold Zones

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) reported hitting additional high-grade gold zones at the northern end of the company’s East Sampson Dam prospect in Western Australia.

Moho Resources encountered the mineralisation during phase 2 reverse circulation (RC) infill and extension resource definition drilling on the prospect.

Assay results from the final 20 RC holes of the program contain mineralised intervals and new mineralised zones that extends high-grade gold mineralisation a further 40 metres north along strike.

Results include:

6 metres at 11.03 grams per tonne gold from 62m, including 1m at 43.5g/t gold from 64m, 1m at 10.7g/t gold from 63m and 1m at 8.8g/t gold from 62m;

4m at 1.82g/t gold from 42m, including 1m at 5.22g/t gold from 45m;

2m at 3g/t gold from 43m;

3m a 2.95g/t gold from 19m, including 1m at 5.2g/t gold from 19m and 1m at 2.38g/t gold from 21m; and

1m at 7.05g/t gold from 42m.

“Moho’s exploration team continues to make excellent progress at East Sampson Dam,” Moho Resources managing director Shane Sadlier said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The latest RC drill results extend gold mineralisation down plunge at the southern end of the prospect and highlight the potential to discover additional gold mineralisation at the northern end of the prospect.”









Moho Resources Identifies New East Sampson Gold Zones

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) claimed identification of additional high-grade gold zones at the company’s East Sampson Dam prospect in Western Australia.

Moho Resources made the identification during a recent Phase 2 reverse circulation (RC) drilling program as part of its resource definition studies, to infill and extend gold mineralisation at the East Sampson Dam prospect.

The drilling produced encouraging high-grade gold results of:

1 metre at 9.6 grams per tonne gold from 92m;

5m at 5.95g/t gold from 47m, including 1m at 15.2g/t gold from 49m and 1m at 11.1g/t gold from 51m;

6m at 3.57g/t gold from 83m, including 2m at 2.43g/t gold from 84m and 1m at 15.6g/t gold from 88m; and

2m at 2.67g/t gold from 43m, including 1m at 4.04g/t gold from 43m.

“The latest RC drilling results have identified a number of high-grade mineralised intervals and new mineralised zones at the East Sampson Dam gold prospect,” Moho Resources managing director Shane Sadleir said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“This new information, in combination with the ongoing structural control interpretation and geological modelling by Moho’s geologists and consultants, provides further confidence that the prospect has the potential to generate a suitable gold resource which could provide important cash flow for the company.”









Moho Resources Scores Surprise Gold Mineralisation Hits

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) was surprised to find that drilling can lead to mineralisation.

Moho Resources reported it had encountered “additional unexpected high-grade gold assay results” from a diamond drilling campaign to infill and extend gold mineralisation at the company’s East Sampson Dam gold prospect in Western Australia.

The drilling intersected multiple zones of high-grade gold mineralisation in diamond drill hole SSMH0100, including:

7 metres at 4.78g/t gold from 51m, including 1m at 22.2g/t gold from 53m;
5m at 8.01g/t gold from 59m, including 1m at 23.5g/t gold from 60m;
2m at 6.91g/t gold from 77m; and
3m at 0.79g/t gold from 72m.

SSMH0100 discovered four new unexpected and significant gold intercepts outside of known mineralised zones.

The predominantly high-grade gold intersections appear to extend high-grade mineralisation previously discovered in MRC008, SSMH0067 and SSMH0091 into new areas.

This new mineralisation is found in saprolitic tuff with minor quartz veining and is in line with previous observations of there being no visible high-grade gold in the drill core.

“These unexpected diamond drilling results are very encouraging and highlight the potential to discover additional high-grade gold zones at Moho’s 100 per cent-owned East Sampson Dam prospect,” Moho Resources managing director Shane Sadlier said in the company’s ASX announcement.








Moho Resources Preparing Early Start to 2021 Drilling Regime

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) is focussing on next year with the announcement that drilling will recommence in January 2021 at the Crossroads gold/silver prospect, part of the company’s Burracoppin gold project in Western Australia.

Moho Resources has already completed a maiden aircore drilling program at Crossroads, which is located about 22 kilometres west of the Edna May gold mine.

The drilling in June returned results of individual one-metre samples, having encountered gold/silver mineralisation in bedrock with up to 0.61 grams per tonne gold and 5.53g/t silver in bottom of hole (BOH) samples.

The gold mineralisation is associated with other pathfinder elements identified as silver, arsenic, antimony, tellurium and bismuth.

Moho was recently awarded a co-funded drilling grant of up to $147,526 from the WA Government as part of its Exploration Incentive Scheme.

“Moho greatly appreciates the WA government’s financial assistance under the Exploration Incentive Scheme to test the Crossroads gold/silver prospect for a potential Intrusive Mineral System,” Moho Resources managing director Shane Sadlier said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“We are looking forward to implementing our maiden RC and diamond drill programs early next year.”

Moho’s maiden 25-hole reverse circulation (RC) drill program will commence in January 2021, targeting extensions to the previously defined shallow bedrock gold and silver mineralisation at the Crossroads prospect.

Three diamond holes will be drilled at locations to be determined following receipt of the RC assay results.








Moho Resources Announces High-Grade Hits from East Sampson Dam

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) voiced its feelings of encouragement on receipt of results from drilling to infill and extend gold mineralisation at the company’s East Sampson Dam (ESD) gold prospect in Western Australia.

Moho Resources’ first results back from the lab include:

2m at 18 grams per tonne gold from 105m, including 1m at 34.8g/t gold from 106m; and

6m at 5.63g/t gold from 18m, including 1m at 16.2g/t gold from 19m, and 1m at 13.5g/t gold from 23m.

“These initial diamond drilling results are very encouraging and highlight the significant gold production potential of Moho’s East Sampson Dam prospect” Moho Resources managing director Shane Sadlier said in the company’s ASX announcement.





