Hillgrove Resources Announces Kavanagh Underground Minerals Resource Estimate
THE DRILL SERGEANT: Hillgrove Resources (ASX: HGO) completed a JORC Code 2012-copliant Mineral Resource Estimate for the Central and East Kavanagh underground area at the company’s Kanmantoo copper mine in South Australia.
Hillgrove Resources said the underground Mineral Resource Estimate has incorporated 2019 diamond drilling results with the earlier 2006 diamond drill results.
Source: Company announcement
The company said the copper grade of the resource estimate indicates that the grade and dimensions of the orebodies may be suitable for underground mining.
“The resource estimate only covers a portion of the Central and East Kavanagh areas and there is considerable opportunity to increase the resource with further drilling on Central and East Kavanagh and drilling of the identified West Kavanagh Exploration Target,” Hillgrove Resources said in its ASX announcement.
Hillgrove indicated the Mineral Resource Estimate will now be subjected to mine design, optimisation and feasibility studies, as permitting, finance and an agreement with AGL over mine life are finalised.