Great Boulder Resources Drills 248g/t Gold Boost at Mulga Bill

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Great Boulder Resources reported on recent exploration activity at the company’s Side Well gold project near Meekatharra in Western Australia.

Great Boulder Resources announced recent results from RC drilling at Mulga Bill that included high-grade intersections, which the company said would be included in an updated Mineral Resource Estimate in October.

Highlights include:

5m at 98.89 grams per tonne gold from 249m, including 1m at 248g/t gold from 249m and 1m at 229g/t gold from 251m;

8m at 13.19g/t gold from 88m and 3m at 20.98g/t gold from 235m;

5m at 9.92g/t gold from 94m, including 1m at 43g/t gold from 94m; and

8m at 6.41g/t gold from 52m.

Great Boulder is currently awaiting assays for another 16 RC holes from this round of drilling.

“Recent RC drilling at Mulga Bill has intersected more sensational gold grades, with assays as high as 248g/t gold,” Great Boulder Resources managing director Andrew Paterson said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“There are also broad intersections showing good grade closer to surface, which are important in a potential mining scenario.

“As we finalise preparation for the pending Side Well resource update all of this data will inform the new model.

“I’m also very pleased to report that the first of two Aboriginal heritage surveys was [sic] completed on schedule at Ironbark South.

“The second is scheduled for mid to late October, after which we’ll be able to start testing new targets that have never been drilled before.

“This is an exciting and important step forward in our exploration program at Side Well.”