Galan Lithium Hits Conductive Brines Drilling Fifth Hole at Candelas

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Galan Lithium (ASX: GLN) is currently drilling the fifth drill hole at the company’s Candelas lithium brine project located on the Hombre Muerto salar in Argentina.

Galan Lithium said that field measurements indicate that the upper levels of a brine bearing aquifer have been encountered by the hole and that the geological sequence largely replicates that observed in the earlier drill holes incorporating a thick layer of ignimbrite lying below surficial alluvial cover.

The company explained that hole has encountered a sequence of sands and clays hosting salty waters which then turned to brines hosted within a permeable breccia-conglomerate.

Conductivity measurements from brine samples taken from packer testing an interval from 280m to 320m exceeded the 200 millisiemens/cm limits of the field recording instrument whilst high specific gravity was recorded at 1.195g/cm3.

Drilling is ongoing and when completed, downhole geophysical logging will be conducted, and further packer tests performed to collect samples for analyses.

“The discovery of further brines confirms that there is consistent brine coverage over a large area in this northern part of the Candelas channel,” Galan Lithium managing director Juan Pablo (JP) Vargas de la Vega said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange

“The result reinforces our view that the project has the potential to host a significant lithium resource on one of the world’s premium salars at Hombre Muerto.

“We look forward to finalising the hole and confirming that grades and impurity levels are consistent with those already observed in this area.”

