WIN Metals Drills Butchers Creek Resource Potential
THE DRILL SERGEANT: WIN Metals (ASX: WIN) confirmed continuation of mineralisation at the company’s Butchers Creek gold project (BCGP) in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
WIN Metals reported the confirmation via recent exploration drilling results received from the Butchers Creek gold deposit that demonstrated the mineralisation to remain continuous and open at depth.
The results included:
16.52 metres at 2.1 grams per tonne gold, including 11m at 3.01g/t gold.
This intersection was encountered about 260m to the south of previous drilling the company has completed within the current resource envelope.
The campaign was the first undertaken by WIN Metals’ at Butchers Creek and comprised of 25 drillholes, including five exploration step out holes, of which four intersected gold mineralisation.
“The results released today from the main Butchers Creek mineralisation demonstrating continuity down plunge is an exciting development for the project, showing that the resource continues well below where it was previously thought to terminate,” WIN Metals managing director and CEO Steve Norregaard said in the company’s ASX announcement.
“A major success with these results underscoring the significant growth potential of the Butchers Creek mineral resource we now see.
“We now progress with planning our next phase of drilling with the knowledge ‘the gold is there’ with work programs becoming an exercise of further definition and growth.
“With such a large system at play and the magnitude of the massive step out success, delineating the gaps in between will keep us well and truly primed for further success.
“The best is yet to come.
“We look forward to our next upcoming field season with great anticipation.”