Westar Resources Approved for Drilling to commence at Mindoolah

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Westar Resources (ASX: WSR) will be drilling soon at the company’s Mindoolah gold project near Cue in Western Australia.

Westar Resources has received heritage approvals on the back of a Heritage Survey completed in December last year covering proposed RC drilling at the Mindoolah gold mining centre, part of the Mindoolah gold project.

The company anticipates kicking off RC drilling at the Mindoolah gld mining centre mid-February, after which intends conducting further RC drilling at the Mageye prospect within its Gidgee North gold-copper project further out from Cue.

“We welcome heritage approval at Mindoolah and thank the Traditional Owners, Wajarri Yamatji Aboriginal Corporation and consultants for their support,” Westar Resources executive director and CEO Jason Boladeras said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The high-grade Mindoolah Gold Mining Centre is an exciting prospect to drill, and we are keen to discover if high-grade gold persists beneath the old open pits and historic workings.

“The company is also looking forward to drilling at Mageye to test if its distinct geophysical anomaly and associated unique geochemistry is related to mineralisation.

“This is the positive and active start to 2025 we were looking for.”