Moho Resources Confirms Thick, High-Grade Clay-Hosted REE at Peak Charles

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Moho Resources (ASX: MOH) reported assay results from recent reconnaissance aircore drilling undertaken at the company’s Peak Charles project north of Esperance in Western Australia.

Moho Resources explained the objective of the phase 2 drill program was to test the continuation of clay basin hosted rare earth elements mineralisation, which it had identified between three different prospects during the first phase of drilling.

Of the 43 phase 2 aircore drill holes completed, 81 per cent returned assays greater than 300ppm total rare earth oxide (TREO) and 35 per cent returned assays greater than 750ppm TREO.

TREO results returned from the Top Block prospect demonstrated large thicknesses of high-grade clay-hosted mineralisation (grades below based on 300ppm TREO cutoff), including:

56 metres at 1,023ppm TREO from 24m, including 18m at 1,470ppm TREO;

40m at 689ppm TREO from 30m, including 6m at 1,057ppm TREO;

21m at 1,056ppm TREO from 24m, including 8m at 1,528ppm TREO; and

18m at 971ppm TREO from 20m, including 6m at 1,185ppm TREO.

“The second phase of Outstanding Total Rare Earth results from Peak Charles with large thicknesses of clay hosted rare earth mineralisation over 1.4 kilometres is a fantastic outcome for the company’s critical minerals strategy,” Moho Resource managing director ralph winter said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“With positive landholder relationships being cultivated the company is perfectly situated to take advantage of the burgeoning clay hosted rare earth province near Esperance and now has multiple targets to expand across the project.”

Moho’s next activity is to include a passive seismic survey over the Top Block prospect to define the extent of the Top Block clay basin as well as aircore drilling at Rollond East prospect and road reserve access drilling around the Gimli prospect.