Miramar Resources Granted High-Grade Joy Helen Copper-Lead-Silver Prospect
THE DRILL SERGEANT: Miramar Resources (ASX: M2R) expanded its tenement portfolio following granting of Exploration Licence E08/3676 over the high-grade copper, lead, and silver occurrence at the Joy Helen prospect, in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.
Miramar Resources completed an earlier reconnaissance fieldtrip to the Joy Helen prospect before the tenement was granted, after which it released high-grade results from rock chip samples, including:
• 5.49 per cent copper, 42 per cent lead and 73.48 grams per tonne silver; and
• 5.43 per cent copper, 36.7 per cent lead, 36g/t silver and 0.27 per cent zinc.
Combined with historic sampling, the high-grade copper, lead and silver mineralisation at Joy Helen has been seen over approximately 700m of strike, including approximately 400m outside of the Barlee Nature Reserve.
Miramar Resources is of the opinion the Chain Pool project could also be prospective for multiple other styles of mineralisation alongside the copper, lead and silver seen at Joy Helen.
“The western half of the project is dominated by a Durlacher Supersuite granite, which is the same unit that hosts the Yangibana and YIN REE deposits, and there are several later dolerite dykes cross-cutting the project which are the same unit that hosts the Mangaroon nickel-copper-PGE prospect further south,” Miramar Resources executive chairman Allan Kelly said in the company’s ASX announcement.
“We are looking forward to getting out on the ground and systematically exploring the project.”
Elsewhere in its Gascoyne portfolio, Miramar is completing the maiden drilling program at the Mount Vernon and Trouble Bore projects, part of the company’s 100 per cent-owned Bangemall nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project.
The company recently completed further Induced Polarisation (IP) surveying over the 8-Mile target within the Gidji JV project, located 15 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie.
The aim of the survey is to refine a potential northern offset to Northern Star Resources’ 313,000-ounce 8 Mile Dam deposit immediately south of the Gidji JV project boundary.