Future Battery Minerals Drills Growth to Kangaroo Hills High-Grade Lithium System

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Future Battery Minerals (ASX: FBM) drove down to the South-West Connect ASX Showcase armed with assay results for the first batch of holes from a Phase 3 reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling (DD) program recently carried out at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Kangaroo Hills lithium project (KHLP) in Western Australia.

Future Battery Minerals declared the first assay results received from the expanded Phase 3 drill program at Kangaroo Hills to have confirmed extensive near-surface lithium pegmatite swarm at the Big Red and Rocky prospects.

Latest assay results include:

22 metres at 1.24 per cent lithium oxide (Li2O) from 23m (Big Red);

8m at 1.08 per cent Li2O from 40m (Rocky); and

6m at 1.03 per cent Li2O from 60m (Rocky).

The company is waiting on assays for a further 43 holes with drilling continuing with one rig.

These outstanding assays include numerous further extensional intercepts of visual spodumene-bearing pegmatite drilled at the Rocky prospect.

“The initial set of assays from the recent RC and DD program at Big Red and Rocky have delivered further excellent results and confirms the early visual spodumene observations of this emerging LCT pegmatite system,” Future Battery Minerals technical director Robin Cox said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“In particular, the result from KHDD006 at Big Red provides further support to the relative consistency in that area of the system in terms of shallow, thick intervals (+20m) at a high lithium grade (+1.2% Li2O).

“Recent RC drilling at Rocky (assays pending) has also returned many shallow, substantial intercepts of visual spodumene bearing pegmatites that have significantly increased the scale of this system with assays outstanding.

“The focus of drilling at Rocky will move shortly to a diamond tail program to commence testing for extension at depth, including the potential for a thickening of mineralisation.

“In terms of ongoing scout target drilling, we are seeing encouraging early signs at Wallaroo (West) and further drilling is planned to test the identified pegmatites in this area.

“The grant of final environmental permitting will also allow us to commence drilling north from Big Red, including other attractive combined resistivity/structural target areas such as Western Grey.”