Eagle Mountain Mining Continues High-Grade Copper Hits at Talon
THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) reported its latest results from drilling at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge Mine Project in Arizona, USA.
Eagle Mountain reported further high-grade copper assays received from along the Western Talon at Oracle Ridge.
These results occur outside the existing JORC Resource and within a geophysical anomaly stretching over 750 metres, including:
5.8 metres at 2.72 per cent copper, 29.59 grams per tonne silver and 0.72g/t gold, within 16.6m at 1.87 per cent copper, 18.53g/t silver and 0.51g/t gold;
7.6m at 2.2 per cent copper, 20.7g/t silver and 0.25g/t gold; and
3.3m at 2.06 per cent copper, 22.48g/t silver and 0.56g/t gold.
Eagle Mountain said the results were achieved within a recently defined ‘Wave’ zone, which it has now interpreted to connect to the historic Leatherwood Mine.
“These latest drilling results are significant as they not only provide further support for expanding our JORC Resource, but they confirm the prospectivity of the ‘Wave’ structure which hosts some of the thickest intercepts at Oracle Ridge,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.
“Furthermore, the Wave zone, which is a feature within the Talon, is now interpreted to connect recent high-grade intercepts to the historic Leatherwood mine where mineralisation outcrops at the surface at the southern end of the mine area.
“While the Leatherwood mine is relatively small, the reported mined grades are spectacular suggesting potential for very high-grade copper mineralisation to also occur along the Wave zone.
“We have assays pending for 11 drill holes from the northern part of the Wave zone and further holes will be drilled as roads are established in this area.”
Email: info@eaglemountain.com.au