Cygnus Metals Declares “Spectacular” Rock Chip Results from Pegasus
THE DRILL SERGEANT: Cygnus Metals (ASX: CY5) reported on recent surface rock chip activity undertaken at the company’s Auclair lithium project in James Bay, Quebec.
Cygnus Metals declared the results achieved from the project’s recent Pegasus and Lyra pegmatite discoveries as “spectacular”.
The company described Pegasus and Lyra as two newly discovered areas with spodumene-bearing pegmatite outcrops that are only 1.7 kilometres apart and demonstrate scale to be, “potential major lithium discoveries”.
The recent rock chip results from Pegasus include grades of 6.6 per cent lithium oxide (Li2O), 5.5 per cent Li2O, 5.3 per cent Li2O, 4.6 per cent Li2O, 2.2 per cent Li2O, 1.8 per cent Li2O, 1.5 per cent Li2O, and 0.7 per cent Li2O.
Results from rock chips from Lyra include 6.7 per cent Li2O and 2.0 per cent Li2O.
Cygnus has interpreted the high-grade results to highlight Auclair to be a highly fertile system with lithium mineralisation now identified over 6km to date between the Auriga, Lyra and Pegasus discoveries.
“Pegasus and Lyra represent outstanding drilling targets with immense potential given their favourable location to infrastructure, their grade and outcrop size,” Cygnus Metals managing director David Southam said in the company’s ASX announcement.
“Our aim is to expand on the mineralised footprint at surface by drilling at depth and along strike, while potentially linking up these two outcrops which may be part of one large continuous dyke.
“Pegasus is on track to be drilled in January.
“This will be followed by drilling at Lyra, where the results already show that the system we have been targeting at Auclair is extremely fertile.”