Critica Encounters Best Intersection to Date at Jupiter

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Critica (ASX: CRI) released the latest results from resource drilling targeting high-grade zones at Jupiter, part of the company’s Brothers rare earth element (REE) project in Western Autralia.

Critica explained the drilling program was designed to increase drilling density in the high-grade zones of Jupiter, to enhance certainty in the continuity of this mineralisation.

The company declared the new assay results validated the high-grade continuity and include the best recorded intersection to date from Critica’s drilling of the Jupiter discovery of:

67 metres at 3,074ppm total rare earth oxides (TREO) ending in mineralisation.

“We chose to increase drilling density in the high-grade zones of Jupiter to further improve confidence in the continuity of this mineralisation, ahead of our maiden resource estimate for the Brothers project,” Critica managing director Philippa Leggat said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“This set of assay results have readily demonstrated this continuity.

“It’s also incredible to see our flagship project delivering another record-breaking drill intersection, this time being 67 metres at 3,074 ppm TREO.

“This phenomenal hole (JPAC088) ended in mineralisation – even after using all drill rods we were still in rare earth mineralisation at 99 metres.

“Our outstanding technical team continue to demonstrate that Jupiter hosts consistent, high-grade rare earth mineralisation over tens of kilometres confirming the potential of Jupiter and the Brothers project to host one of the largest clay-hosted rare earth discoveries in Australia.

“With aircore and diamond drilling complete, and final assays pending, we are well positioned to provide a detailed and high-quality dataset to our independent geologists for preparation of our maiden resource estimate.

“We also have several laboratories working on all aspects of our comprehensive metallurgical program, with successful beneficiation outcomes being our first goal.”