
Rox Resources Commences Major Youanmi Step Up Drill Program

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL) has commenced a diamond and RC drilling program at the company’s Youanmi gold project in Western Australia.

Rox Resources is conducting the program targeting Resource conversion from the inferred into the higher confidence indicated category as well as increasing the current Minerals Resources Estimate.

Rox explained it has brought forward a Step up drill campaign into 2024 to streamline its Pathway to Production as it progresses a Definitive Feasibility Study that is currently on track for H2 2025.

The company anticipates receiving first assays from the program in February 2025, hopefully in time for the RIU Explorers Conference to be held in Fremantle.

“Rox is delighted to have commenced the major 2025 drilling program ahead of schedule as we further streamline the parallel workstreams to deliver the Youanmi DFS,” Rox Resources CEO Phillip Wilding said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“We’ll keep the drill bit spinning into the New Year to further test exciting targets identified in the highly successful 2024 program, of particular note are Katheleen/Youanmi North and Pollard.

“The high-grade targets under the Kathleen/Youanmi North pit are surrounded by underexplored ground where we see strong potential to add further early-access ounces to the mine plan.

“At Pollard we see real potential for repetitions of the Youanmi Main Lode, which has the potential to materially impact the mine plan.”




Rox Resources Reports Additional High-Grade Gold Assays from Youanmi

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL) reported new assays recent drilling undertaken at the company’s Youanmi gold project in Western Australia.

Rox Resources carried out Resource drilling at Youanmi focused on converting selected Inferred stopes within the current Mineral Resource of 16.2 million tonnes at 4.4 grams per tonne gold for 2.3 million ounces to the higher confidence Indicated classification at the Pollard, United North and Youanmi Main targets.

The drilling has also provided both sample material for metallurgical testing and geological data for a pending Definitive Feasibility Study planned for 2025.

Rox received assay data from RC and DD drilling at Pollard with key results from the program so far including:

8.11 metres at 44.62 grams per tonne gold from 290.96m;

3.22m at 4.95g/t gold from 292.03m;

3.19m at 4.84g/t gold from 238.53m;

1.04m at 7.54g/t gold from 280.57m; and

1.77m at 1.74g/t gold from 262.07m.

“The Rox exploration team has delivered more strong results,” Rox Resources CEO Phillip Wilding said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“This latest batch of assays will be important to converting Inferred areas of the Resource to the higher confidence Indicated classification.

“More excitingly, seeing these high-grade results in Pollard, along with the previously announced results in United North, really emphasises the potential for these high-grade shoots to extend, and will help with planning our next program to extend these resources that are still open.

“Pollard has been a very under explored area and has the potential to add significant ounces to the mine plan.

“The discovery of a new mineralised zone outside the Youanmi MRE is yet another example of the strong potential to add further high-quality ounces to the Resource.

“Rox’s 11,000 metres diamond and reverse circulation drilling program has been completed, with all assays expected before the end of the calendar year.”





Rox Resources Identifies High Priority Mt Fisher-Mt Eureka Gold Targets

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL) will have an orderly queue forming at its booth at the RIU Explorers Conference this morning after announcing results from recently completed geophysical Gradient Array Induced Polarisation (GAIP) surveys at the company’s Mt Fisher and Mt Eureka projects in Western Australia.

Rox owns 100 per cent of the Mt Fisher gold project and the 51 per cent gold rights (rights to earn up to 75%) of the Mt Eureka gold project, both of which are located in the Northern Goldfields of WA.

The projects are at an advanced exploration stage with an existing gold Mineral Resource of 187,000 ounces of gold defined at Mt Fisher – Mt Eureka with much exploration upside identified across the broader tenement package.

Rox completed six Gradient Array Induced Polarisation (GAIP) geophysical surveys at the projects.

Each of the GAIP surveys were designed to advance the project exploration pipeline by defining potential sulphide-rich chargeability anomalies that represent drill-ready targets along the known gold mineralised trends.

The geophysical surveys identified multiple walk-up drill targets, located along strike from known gold mineralised trends that are characterised by high-sulphide content consistent with the causative geology of GAIP anomalies.

“The geophysical surveys conducted recently at Mt Fisher and Mt Eureka have highlighted a number of walk-up drill targets,” Rox Resources managing director Robert Ryan said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The surveys have detected potential sulphide-bearing structures, which could host gold mineralisation as seen elsewhere in the tenement package.

“The 1,150 square kilometres tenement package represents a district-scale exploration opportunity for both gold and nickel sulphides, that Rox will continue to advance in order to generate value for our shareholders.”




Rox Resources Reports High-Grade Drilling Results

THE DRILL SEARGENT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL) reported new assay results from ongoing resource development drilling at the company’s Youanmi gold project Joint Vebture with Venus Metals near Mt Magnet in Western Australia.

Rox Resources reported the latest assays from an ongoing resource development and near-mine exploration drilling program that is focused on the high-priority Link and Kathleen areas of the project, designed to convert Inferred Resources to the higher confidence Indicated Resource classification.

Results include:

6.38 metres at 4.45 grams per tonne gold from 381.84m, including 2.56m at 8.26g/t gold from 381.84m;

4m at 5.67g/t gold from 257m;

5.96m at 5.34g/t gold from 314.21m; and

4.21m at 5.21g/t gold from 303.86m.

The company said the results generated by in-fill drilling were continuing to build its confidence in the resource inventory at Youanmi, while also providing further clear evidence of the potential for deeper extensions of the deposit which could be targeted by future underground drilling.

“We are very pleased with the outcomes of the in-fill program, which continues to deliver grades and widths in line with the current geological interpretations,” Rox Resources managing director Robert Ryan said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“This reinforces the continuity and endowment of the deposit, and supports our strategy to upgrade the Inferred portions of the current Mineral Resource to the higher-confidence Indicated category.

“The current batch of assays includes the deepest holes drilled to date at Link at 475 metres below surface.

“This highlights the significant potential for future resource extensions at depth, especially considering that high-grade mineralisation has been intersected on the main lode at 970 metres below surface.

“Assays are still pending from the recent diamond drilling programs at Link and Paddy’s Lode and, with an important phase of RC drilling currently underway at Paddy’s Lode targeting shallow extensions of the discovery and potential supergene mineralisation, investors can look forward to continued strong news-flow over the coming weeks.”





Rox Resources Boosts Mt Fisher – Mt Eureka Gold Resource

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL) reported an increase to the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Mt Fisher gold project (Rox 100%) and the Mt Eureka project (Cullen Resources Joint Venture).

The total Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource for Mt Fisher – Mt Eureka now stands at 3.5 million tonnes at 1.65 grams per tonne gold for 187,000 ounces of contained gold.

“We are very pleased to announce this significant 110 per cent increase to the Mt Fisher – Mt Eureka Gold Resource and at a discovery cost of just $7 per ounce, it is a testament to the hard work and quality of our exploration geology team,” Rox Resources managing director Rob Ryan said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“Whilst the 3.2 million ounce Youanmi project sits at the forefront of the company’s future plans, the quality of our exploration asset at Mt Fisher should not be understated.

“The Mt Fisher greenstone belt has vast untapped potential, and we will continue to evaluate corporate and exploration opportunities to advance the project.”

The Mt Fisher – Mt Eureka gold project is in the Northern Goldfields, approximately 500 kilometres northeast of Kalgoorlie (about 120km east of Wiluna) within the Mt Fisher greenstone belt.

This belt is located 40km east of the prolific Yandal greenstone belt, host of large gold deposits including Jundee, Bronzewing and Mt McClure.






Rox Resources Reports High-Grade Youanmi Results

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL) received drill results from the Youanmi gold project near Mt Magnet in Western Australia.

The results came to Rox Resources via its OYG Joint Venture partner Venus Metals (ASX: VMC) (Rox 70% and Manager, VMC 30%).

The latest results included high-grade assays from shallower parts of the Link area where drilling focussed on resource conversion and extensional growth to the recently reported resource inventory at Youanmi of 3 million ounces at 3.78 grams per tonne gold.

Highlights included:

4 metres at 4.43 grams per tonne gold from 52m;

4m at 4.41g/t gold from 128m; and

10m at 1.39g/t gold from 76m, including 2m at 4.1g/t gold from 84m.

Other results were received from extensional drilling down plunge for the historical Hill End underground mine.

This included:

1m at 13.44g/t gold from 384m and 0.89m at 3.89g/t gold from 344m; and

2m at 5.41g/t gold from 286m and 0.39m at 3.44g/t gold from 334.72m.

“The further high-grade results from the Link area will likely contribute to the Youanmi Near Surface Resource,” Rox Resources managing director Alex Passmore said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“Results from near mine drilling further support the company’s belief in the potential for high-grade mineralisation near historic mine development.

“We look forward to providing an update on the Near Surface Resource in mid-April which consolidates near-surface drilling results.”








Rox Resources Extends Youanmi Gold Project Mineralisation

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL) reported on drilling carried out at the Youanmi gold project near Mt Magnet in Western Australia.

Rox Resources completed the drilling with Joint Venture partner Venus Metals (ASX: VMC) in the OYG JV area (Rox 70% and Manager, VMC 30%).

The current RC drilling program has been designed to test the southern continuation of the Grace deposit and other high grade near mine targets including the recently identified high priority Junction and Link targets.

Results have been received for three holes; results are still to come in for 15 holes.

Highlights to date include:

8 metres at 19.9 grams per tonne gold from 68m, including 4m at 38.3g/t gold from 68m.
Shallow high-grade mineralisation in Granite at Grace South.

4m at 5g/t gold from 40m.
In Granite at Grace South.

4m at 6g/t gold from 84m and 8m at 4.1g/t gold from 112m
At Junction.

The recently returned drill results have extended the known area of high-grade mineralisation at Grace by 100m to the south of previously determined extent.

“We are pleased to report these latest strong drill results from Youanmi and the shallow strike extensions at Grace,” Rox Resources managing director Alex Passmore said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“We look forward to updating the market as more results come to hand.”








Rox Resources Encounters High-Grade Grace Intersections

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL), in conjunction with its joint venture partner Venus Metals Corporation (ASX: VMC) reported results from its early 2020 drilling program undertaken at the Youanmi project in Western Australia.

Rox Resources reported that recent drilling at Youanmi has defined a very high-grade zone of mineralisation (greater than 30 gram-metres) extending from surface, open to the north that lies within a broader wide zone of mineralisation.

Recent assays from drilling undertaken at the Grace prospect include:

7 metres at 54.6 grams per tonne gold from 8m;

1m at 29.7g/t gold from 23m;

6m at 5.7g/t gold from 24m;

4m at 4.5g/t gold from 9m, and 3m at 5.32g/t gold from 53m.

“The Grace prospect is emerging as an exciting high-grade deposit with one of the better recent intersections returned from hole RXRC151 being a spectacular 7 metres at 54.6 grams per tonne gold from 8 metres,” Rox Resources managing director Alex Passmore said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.

“This newly discovered mineralisation has all the hallmarks needed to bring it into early production-it is close to surface, lies near to existing pits and sits within a granted mining lease which already has substantial infrastructure.”







Metalicity Pegs New Tenements

THE BOURSE WHISPERER: Metalicity (ASX: MCT) announced the acquisition of a further four prospecting and exploration tenements in the Kookynie Area in the Goldfields region of Western Australia.

Marenica Energy Drills Koppies Mineralisation

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Marenica Energy (ASX: MEY) announced assay results from a Phase 2 reconnaissance rotary air blast (RAB) drilling program on the company’s Koppies prospecting in Namibia, Africa.

Rox Resources reports Further High-Grade Results from Youanmi

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL), in conjunction with its Joint Venture partner Venus Metals Corporation (ASX: VMC), announced further results from an ongoing drilling campaign at the OYG JV which forms part of the wider Youanmi gold project in Western Australia.

Rox Resources reports Further High-Grade Results from Youanmi

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Rox Resources (ASX: RXL), in conjunction with its Joint Venture partner Venus Metals Corporation (ASX: VMC), announced further results from an ongoing drilling campaign at the OYG JV which forms part of the wider Youanmi gold project in Western Australia.

Rox Resources’ recent drilling at the Youanmi gold project has intersected more high-grade gold mineralisation.

Results received from Youanmi South and Commonwealth drilling include:

4m at 11.23 grams per tonne gold from 92m; (Youanmi South)

8m at 3.73g/t gold from 60m; and (Commonwealth)

3m at 5.45g/t gold from 87m. (Commonwealth)

The company said that drilling at the Plant Zone has continued to define shallow, potential ‘base load mill feed’ with new results showing continuations to shallow mineralisation including:

8m at 2.62g/t gold from 60m;

9m at 1.04g/t gold from 83m; and

8m at 1.03g/t gold from 44m.

“These results continue to show the excellent potential of the Youanmi belt and the OYG JV in particular and we look forward to presenting further results when they become available,” Rox Resources managing director Alex Passmore said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.

“Drilling at the Plant Zone prospect, a granite stockwork style of mineralisation now delineated over a 1.4 kilometre strike length, continues to add scale to the overall project gold inventory.”

Rox’s recent drilling has been focussed on the Plant Zone (potentially base load mill feed) and the high-grade Commonwealth prospect.

The company expects to shift its focus onto the Youanmi South prospect following completion of geophysical surveying (drone mag).

The Youanmi South prospect has previously returned some of the best drill intersections of the current drill program.


