
Mamba Exploration Intersects Anomalous Canary Project Radioactivity

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Mamba Exploration (ASX: M24) completed its first drilling foray at the company’s Canary project in the Athabasca Basin, northern Saskatchewan, Canada.

Mamba Exploration reported the drilling had encountered localised anomalous radioactivity and prospective rock types typical of basement-hosted uranium deposits.

Drillhole CAN-24-004 intersected a narrow interval of anomalous radioactivity (greater than 300 counts per second) from 449.0 to 449.5 metres, based upon hand-held scintillometer readings on drill core and downhole gamma probe results.

Core samples from the program have been submitted to Saskatchewan Research Council Geoanalytical Laboratory in Saskatoon, for geochemical assay.

“The Canary drilling program has been nothing short of exemplary, demonstrating a level of execution that surpassed all expectations,” Mamba Exploration executive director Simon Andrew said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“Thanks to the planning and efficient operations by our partners Standard Uranium, the program was completed ahead of schedule and under budget.

“We remain excited by the potential at Canary and eagerly await assay results from the laboratory.”