
Eagle Mountain Mining Increases Oracle Ridge Mineral Resource Estimate

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) has completed a new Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) on the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge copper project in Arizona, USA.

Eagle Mountain Mining completed the new MRE using the revised geological model that was completed by incorporating drilling and channel sampling data acquired since the October 2022 resource update.

The company consider this revised geological model better reflects the style of mineralisation observed from the new data and underground mapping.

The revised MRE for Oracle Ridge has increased substantially to 28.2 million tonnes at 1.35 per cent copper, 11.06 grams per tonne silver and 0.16g/t gold using a 0.8% copper cut-off grade for 380,000 tonnes of contained copper.

Measured and Indicated Resources account for over half of the new MRE and better grades exist in higher confidence categories of the new MRE.

“The new Mineral Resource Estimate reflects a 27 per cent increase in contained copper on a like-for-like basis from the previous resource and is on track to surpass more than 400 thousand tonnes of contained copper,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“This update is a key milestone on our path to become a significant producer of copper, with a strong focus on low emission production.

“Our recent refurbishment of the underground mine was instrumental to this latest update, as it provided us with previously unrecognised insight into the geology and mineralisation and has confirmed the mining and processing optionality of the project.

“In particular, we see a greater opportunity for a much larger mining operation at Oracle Ridge than previously contemplated, leveraging off recent advancements in processing and mining technologies to reduce both costs and our impact on the environment.

“Our activities are currently focusing on processing pathways for a lower grade, larger tonnage operation.

“The resource remains open in multiple areas, and we are confident that further resources will be defined.

“We are currently assessing and prioritising resource extension targets, along with upgrades of existing Inferred resources to further de-risk production in the first five years of mine life.

“Taking all this into consideration, I am optimistic that we have the foundations to become a mid-tier copper producer at Oracle Ridge.”




Eagle Mountain Mining Encounters Multiple High Grade Oracle Ridge Intercepts

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) reported results from recent drilling at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge copper mine project in Arizona, USA.

Assay results have been received for 15 drill holes that encountered high-grade zones that the company has interpreted to demonstrate mineralisation is not uniform resulting in areas potentially yielding very high grades.

Eagle Mountain believes this could be an indicator of a larger system or thicker areas in the vicinity.

Diamond drilling from surface intersected multiple narrow high-grade veins, including:

25.5 per cent copper, 1,935 grams per tonne silver and 15.2g/t gold over 0.6m.

This result was from a resource upgrade hole located in the north-east Oracle area.

Drilling carried out around the historic Daily mine area, which falls outside the project’s existing resource also returned high-grade results.

The company now has underground drilling well underway, targeting resource upgrades and extensions and is ramping up an underground wall sampling program ramping-up with the aim to upgrade existing resources and model very high-grade zones within the mine.

At this stage assays for wall sampling are pending as are assay results from nine surface holes and five underground holes.

“We are pleased to see more impressive high-grade assay results at our Oracle Ridge project, including one of the highest copper and silver assays ever recorded,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“These very high-grade zones demonstrate that the mineralisation at Oracle Ridge is not uniform and there are areas of spectacular grade.

“Could these zones be an indicator of a larger system or thicker areas in the vicinity?

“One key objective of the recently commenced underground sampling and mapping program is to assess the extent of these very high-grade zones which could have a considerable positive impact on the resource model and potential future mining operation.”





Eagle Mountain Mining Commences Underground Drilling at Oracle Ridge

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining has commenced underground drilling at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge copper mine project in Arizona, USA.

Eagle Mountain Mining kicked off the drilling at Oracle Ridge following completion of initial refurbishment of the underground mine.

The program is serious with thirteen drill stations established to allow Resource upgrade and metallurgical drilling to occur from within the mine.

From the first drill station alone, the company plans to have 17 holes drilled.

Eagle Mountain expects drilling from underground to be far more efficient than drilling from surface due to shorter hole lengths and less impact from weather events.

Underground drilling will prioritise the upgrading of existing Indicated and Inferred Resources into Measured and Indicated Resources respectively, with a focus on those areas of the deposit expected to be mined in the first five years of potential production.

The additional confidence achieved will assist in technical and economic studies.

An underground wall sampling program was also commenced targeting the large exposure of copper mineralisation in the underground workings to generate high-quality underground geological maps and semi-continuous samples across the exposed mineralisation.

From this, Eagle Mountain hopes to better understand small scale grade variability, assess the representativity of the existing Mineral Resource Estimate and identify suitable areas for additional metallurgical work such as bulk sampling.

“With the completion of the initial underground refurbishment at Oracle Ridge, we are now ramping up the underground activities,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said.

“It is unique to access in-situ mineralisation compared to drill core and we are committed to make the most of this significant advantage.

“We recently kicked-off a drilling program to upgrade our existing resource to higher confidence categories.

“Drilling from underground is a game changer for the project due to improved efficiencies with shorter hole lengths and less impact due to inclement weather.

“The program is focused on those mine areas where production is expected to occur in the first five years of the potential mine life.

“We have also recently commenced an extensive wall mapping program targeting approximately four kilometres of mineralisation exposed underground.”


Eagle Mountain Mining Continues Resource Drilling at Oracle Ridge

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) continues to make progress at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge copper mine project in Arizona, USA.

Eagle Mountain Mining has maintained from surface drilling at Oracle Ridge that has focused on the Talon area with a few holes also testing peripheral extensions to the west and north of the mine.

Assay results have been received for 22 holes, including resource expansion holes.

Results include:

12.5 metres at 2.08 per cent copper, 18.81 grams per tonne silver and 0.33g/t gold;

10.7m at 2.23 per cent copper, 19.62g/t silver and 0.35g/t gold;

9.2m at 2.2 per cent copper, 35.72g/t silver and 0.45g/t gold; and

8m at 2.98 per cent copper, 27.46g/t silver and 0.33g/t gold.

The company indicated an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) is ongoing with the next update on schedule for the end of September 2022.

Mapping and sampling of historical mines adjacent to Oracle Ridge is also underway to refine the local geology model, aid the MRE and identify new drill targets.

“With drilling continuing, we have concurrently launched several initiatives to continue to advance the project,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The mining contractor is currently on site refurbishing the underground mine, with the generator already delivered and installed and the electrical equipment currently being serviced with the ventilation fans to follow shortly thereafter.

“Our goal is to leverage the existing infrastructure to drill and sample underground.

“We are only two months away from driving our first underground rig through the Oracle Ridge portals.

“Metallurgical studies have commenced to review and update existing information that we will need for the upcoming mining studies.

“On the geological front, the team is currently mapping the historical workings peripheral to the Oracle Ridge mine and also fine tuning our drilling plans for OREX.”






Eagle Mountain Mining Continues Oracle Ridge Copper Hits

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) reported on assays recent drilling completed at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge mine project in Arizona, USA.

Four holes were drilled in the north-west of Oracle Ridge at the main Mine Area as part of the company’s Resource Infill program, while six holes were drilled as part of its Resource Expansion program.

Resource infill drilling in the Mine Area included:

17.3 meters at 2.23 per cent copper, 25.34 grams per tonne silver and 0.21g/t gold, and 10.5m at 1.95 per cent copper, 26.04g/t silver; and

0.28g/t gold within a fully diluted 46m at 1.49 per cent copper, 17.91g/t silver, 0.2g/t gold.

Resource extension drilling at the Talon returned:

30.7m at 2.54 per cent copper, 21.84g/t silver, 0.42g/t gold within 63.1m at 1.84 per cent copper, 15.68g/t silver, 0.3g/t gold.

Eagle Mountain Mining explained the first JORC Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) update including drilling completed since its Oracle Ridge acquisition is on track for completion this month.

However, assays for these recent 10 holes have not been included in the MRE update and will be included in the next MRE update the company has planned for Q4 2022.

“The Western Talon has delivered some of the thickest and highest-grade intersections to date with mineralisation getting richer to the south,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“We are delighted that these results continue to add confidence to the historical drilling and demonstrate the Resource growth potential at Oracle Ridge.

“The resource infill drilling is designed to allow us to declare Measured Resources for the first time under the JORC Code and increase tonnes in the Indicated category in the MRE update, which is scheduled for completion in a few weeks.

“Expanding the resource base in the Measured and Indicated categories is critical, as following completion of successful feasibility studies, we aim to translate these to Proven and Probable Reserves.

“These exceptional results will be included in a further MRE revision later this year which will benefit from the strong results reported in this announcement plus all other assays received up to the time of finalising that revision.

“By that time, we are planning to have re-opened the existing mine and have an underground rig conducting infill drilling to increase the Measured and Indicated Resource with more efficient drilling.

“At the current and expected rate of drilling, we should have well over 100 new drillholes to be incorporated into that MRE revision.”








Eagle Mountain Mining Going Underground at Oracle Ridge

THE CONFERENCE CALLER: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) had punters queuing at its 2022 RIU Explorers Conference booth after announcing its plan to recommission parts of the existing underground mine at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge project in Arizona, USA.

Eagle Mountain explained its reasoning behind the decision being that by accessing the existing Oracle Ridge underground mine it would be able to drill from underground, gaining improved access for future studies.

Indicated benefits include shorter drill holes that will increase productivity and reduce costs and faster upgrading of the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) to increase the Measured and Indicated resource categories.

“Drilling from underground will be a massive step-change for our exploration and move us closer to feasibility studies,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“We are very fortunate to have an existing underground mine in very good condition with development in the right location to continue to build and upgrade our Mineral Resources.

“We don’t need to de-water the mine to access the drill sites and rehabilitation is expected to be relatively minor.

“Along with drilling shorter holes, it also enables better access to the orebody for taking bulk samples for metallurgical test work for optimisation of processing design and recoveries.

“Importantly, two drill rigs will continue to focus on resource expansion and upgrade drilling at the Talon as results have demonstrated the growth potential of the Resource.

“Given the large number of assays pending (56 holes), results will continue to be received whilst we recommission the underground mine.

“With the reduction of one drill rig and the recommissioning of the mine, we do not expect a significant impact on our rate of expenditure.

“However, it is setting us up for the future with drill platforms to efficiently build out the resource and potentially install a drill drive to the south into the Talon zone which is growing with almost every drill hole.

“We are currently in discussions with underground drilling contractors, and we are working to secure a drill rig for mobilisation around Q3 2022.”







Eagle Mountain Mining Drills Oracle Ridge Resources Expansion Potential

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) reported assays it has received for seven drill holes completed at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge Mine project in Arizona, USA.

Eagle Mountain reported the high-grade copper assays were achieved at the Western Talon area, which sits outside the existing JORC Mineral Resource of 12.2 million tonnes at 1.51 per cent copper for 184,000 tonnes contained copper.

New assay results received include:

0.8m at 7.75 per cent copper, 258 grams per tonne silver and 2.54g/t gold;

13.4m at 1.98 per cent copper, 15.96g/t silver and 0.35g/t gold, within 61.5m at 1.07 per cent copper, 9.87g/t silver and 0.14g/t gold; and

3.1m at 6.85 per cent copper, 32.23g/t silver and 0.13g/t gold, within 74.4m at 0.93 per cent copper, 6.92g/t silver and 0.1g/t gold.

Drilling recommenced at Oracle Ridge on 3 January 2022 after a short break over Christmas. Two rigs will continue drilling at the Talon, focussing on the Western Talon and potential mineralisation between WT-21-31 and the Leatherwood Mine. Two additional drill pads are currently being established to facilitate better drill positions.

The third rig is testing for expansions to the existing Resource in the central part of the mine area. After this stream of work is completed, the rig will move towards the northern part of the mine area where several targets have been delineated with strong potential to add mineralisation through step-outs as well as infill of broadly spaced historical holes.

“We are delighted that drilling continues to deliver further strong results which supports the upside prospectivity at Oracle Ridge,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“All these results are outside the existing JORC Mineral Resources Estimate (JORC MRE), further supporting the potential to build our mineral resources.

“These results are from the Wave Zone, part of the Western Talon, which continues to excite us with a combination of both high-grade mineralisation and broad mineralised zones which may be more amendable to larger scale mining methods with relatively lower mining costs on a unit basis.

“To provide improved access to target this prospective area, we are currently constructing two new pads above the historic Leatherwood mine which reported historic production of 12 per cent copper, 200 grams per tonne silver and one gram per tonne gold.

“The longer turnaround time for assays means we now have 39 holes pending results.

“This is certainly disappointing, although not unique as these delays are impacting most companies in our sector.

“We remain on track to deliver an update on our JORC MRE in Q1 2022 which will include these latest results.”







Eagle Mountain Mining Continues High-Grade Copper Hits at Talon

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) reported its latest results from drilling at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge Mine Project in Arizona, USA.

Eagle Mountain reported further high-grade copper assays received from along the Western Talon at Oracle Ridge.

These results occur outside the existing JORC Resource and within a geophysical anomaly stretching over 750 metres, including:

5.8 metres at 2.72 per cent copper, 29.59 grams per tonne silver and 0.72g/t gold, within 16.6m at 1.87 per cent copper, 18.53g/t silver and 0.51g/t gold;

7.6m at 2.2 per cent copper, 20.7g/t silver and 0.25g/t gold; and

3.3m at 2.06 per cent copper, 22.48g/t silver and 0.56g/t gold.

Eagle Mountain said the results were achieved within a recently defined ‘Wave’ zone, which it has now interpreted to connect to the historic Leatherwood Mine.

“These latest drilling results are significant as they not only provide further support for expanding our JORC Resource, but they confirm the prospectivity of the ‘Wave’ structure which hosts some of the thickest intercepts at Oracle Ridge,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“Furthermore, the Wave zone, which is a feature within the Talon, is now interpreted to connect recent high-grade intercepts to the historic Leatherwood mine where mineralisation outcrops at the surface at the southern end of the mine area.

“While the Leatherwood mine is relatively small, the reported mined grades are spectacular suggesting potential for very high-grade copper mineralisation to also occur along the Wave zone.

“We have assays pending for 11 drill holes from the northern part of the Wave zone and further holes will be drilled as roads are established in this area.”







Eagle Mountain Mining Highlights Talon Zone Potential at Oracle Ridge

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) reported on recent activites at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge Mine project in Arizona, USA.

Eagle Mountain Mining received assays for three drill holes recently carried out at The Talon Zone.

Very thick mineralised interval was encountered in WT-21-31, including five high-grade zones:

91.5m fully diluted at 1.37 per cent copper, 10.86 grams per tonne silver and 0.38g/t gold, including 9.7m at 3.39 per cent copper, 29.65g/t silver and 0.67g/t gold, and
11.7m at 1.9 per cent copper, 15.22g/t silver and 0.52 g/t gold, and
14.8m at 1.62 per cent copper, 11.93g/t silver and 0.53g/t gold, and
8.7m at 2 per cent copper, 15.2g/t silver and 0.4g/t gold, and
8m at 1.9 per cent copper, 13.92g/t silver and 0.85g/t gold.

High-grade intersections were also encountered in drill hole WT-21-32 (previously reported as visual observation):

28.9m at 2.34 per cent copper, 21.95g/t silver and 0.37g/t gold, including 13.2m at 3.53 per cent copper, 33.89g/t silver and 0.54g/t gold, and
1.4m at 9.99 per cent copper, 147g/t silver, 2.83g/t gold.

“What a week for the Western Talon!” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“WT-21-32 has delivered the best assayed intersection of our resource expansion program so far.

“While we were assessing the significance of these strong results, hole WT-21-31 presented a very thick mineralised interval in the southernmost hole we have drilled at Oracle Ridge.

“The five high-grade zones within this intercept are individually significant in their own right; the fact that they occur in the same hole make for yet a further exciting result.

“The results from drill holes WT-21-32 and WT-21-31 justify our belief in the exploration potential of The Talon zone.

“Recent drilling has provided great insight into the geology of The Talon and suggests a potential strike length of over 500 metres.

“Mineralisation outside of this strike extent remains open within the magnetic geophysical anomaly which defines The Talon.

“We are eagerly continuing to drill this area as we are now driven by a new geological model.

“We are also planning additional drill pads and access roads to reach further to the south and southeast tip of The Talon.

“Twelve months ago, we had just commenced drilling at Oracle Ridge with one rig on a 20 days on, 10 days off roster and a small team.

“Today we have three rigs drilling full time, a large and motivated team and some outstanding results to celebrate with our shareholders following our first year of drilling at Oracle Ridge.”

Eagle Mountain also announced completion of a $16 million raising, funds from which will be used to advance Oracle Ridge.

“We are delighted with the level of support received from prominent institutional and sophisticated investors as well as welcoming new shareholders to the Eagle Mountain share register,” Mason said.

“We would like to thank existing shareholders for their continued support in the Placement.

“In particular, I wish to thank our managing director, Charlie Bass, who continues to financially support the company, testament to his ongoing confidence in the Oracle Ridge project.

“The Placement was very well supported with demand significantly exceeding the funds being sought.”








Eagle Mountain Mining Drills Thick Mineralised Copper Zones at Oracle Ridge

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Eagle Mountain Mining (ASX: EM2) provided a report on exploration activities at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Oracle Ridge Mine project in Arizona, USA.

Eagle Mountain Mining has been undertaking a Resource Upgrade drilling program to verify the quality and reliability of historical drilling information in the company’s database.

An initial comparison between new and historical holes has shown a good reconciliation between the old and new geological and assay data, revealing the average gold grade in recent holes appears to be moderately higher than in historical ones.

Eagle Mountain indicated that should the remaining infill Resource Upgrade holes support the grades and thicknesses of previous drilling, a portion of the existing Indicated Mineral Resource is expected to be upgraded to the JORC Measured category (following an updated Mineral Resource Estimate).

The recent drilling has defined thick, fully diluted, mineralised zones within the existing JORC resource, returning results including:

110.1 metres at 1.06 per cent copper, 9.64 grams per tonne silver and 0.16g/t gold, ending in mineralisation;

106m at 1.15 per cent copper, 11.73g/t silver and 0.16g/t gold;

96.1m at 0.98 per cent copper, 7.84g/t silver and 0.15g/t gold; and

47.3m at 1.00 per cent copper, 13.25g/t silver and 0.13 g/t gold.

WT-21-24 returned a thick zone of: 18.4m at 3.12 per cent copper, 27.83g/t silver and 0.51g/t gold, within 50.5m at 1.73 per cent copper, 14.31g/t silver and 0.26g/t gold.

“These very thick zones of mineralisation have the potential to provide significant optionality for mining,” Eagle Mountain Mining CEO Tim Mason said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“We have now completed five infill holes, all of which had similar thick zones of mineralisation, suggesting that this may not be an anomaly.

“From a mining perspective, thick zones of mineralisation provide potential for bulk mining scenarios or using ore sorting technology to separate barren rocks from copper bearing ores to reduce processing costs.

“These results surprised us because many of these mineralised zones were not visually obvious in the core, and hence why they were probably not assayed by previous owners.

“The intercept of 18m at 3.12 per cent copper and 0.51 grams per tonne gold, within a much larger mineralised zone, is one of the best intercepts at Oracle Ridge.

“In addition, the overall gold grades in the reported infill holes are, on average, better than those in surrounding historical holes.

“We are excited by these results, because if the presence of these thick zones is extensive it could materially improve the contained copper in resource and provide optionality for future mining methods and production rates.

“We will continue with our program of resource upgrade drilling and given these latest results, we will certainly assay zones in between the key lodes!”





