Entries by Wally Graham

Sir Lunchalot – Horseshoe Metals

Sir Lunchalot was recently paid a visit in the Roadhouse dining room by Horseshoe Metals managing director Neil Marston. Horseshoe Metals listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in July 2010. Although its history is relatively short the company has managed to produce a good deal of excitement for investors so far. The copper gold play […]

A very brief introduction to the JORC Code

Mining and exploration companies listed on the ASX are required to report in line with the JORC code, but what is the JORC Code? The Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) Code sets the minimum standard for public reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves in Australia and New Zealand. Also known as the […]

Peter Hayes – Investment Veracity

Often I am asked by clients, family and acquaintances, how’s the market today? The immediate answer to that question is that I haven’t looked at it. This could be at 8am, 10am, or 12.30pm. The reason for this is my life as a stockbroker is not ruled by the market indices. My life as a […]

Mark Fraser – Karratha in Political Void

Despite being at the centre of what is arguably the country’s largest resources hub – a situation it has been in for over three decades – the Western Australian Pilbara town of Karratha still does not have a political presence. (read more) This strange fact of life was recently highlighted by Future Directions International’s Gavin […]

Out and About

Opening the recent Paydirt Magazine gold conference in Perth, Western Australian Minister for Mines and Petroleum Norman Moore said gold was one of the state’s stronger mining sectors. “It is fair to say that for many investors the name Western Australia is synonymous with gold,” Moore told the conference. Moore presented a raft of statistics, […]

Sir Lunchalot

At a recent lunch briefing Sir Lunchalot was entertained by the very English and extremely well mannered team of GGG Resources. London-based AIM-listed GGG Resources recently decided that if its main project was located in Australia it might as well “Australianise” itself by listing on the local bourse. The company’s major focus is on developing […]

Silver Bullets by Gavin Wendt

Silver was one of the best-performing commodities of 2010, so let’s take a close look at the reasons behind it all and where things might be headed during the 2011. To put things into perspective, just six months ago there were brave predictions that silver could surge to as high as US$23 per ounce during […]

Welcome to the Resources Roadhouse

Located on the Information Superhighway, on the outskirts on Mining Town, the Resources Roadhouse is a popular hangout for members of the resources industry community. All roads leading to all the mining projects scattered around the country pass by our front door making the front veranda of the Roadhouse the perfect position for visitors to […]

The Big Article

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We’re Talking Nickel – Are You Listening The story of Perth-Based Canadian-focused nickel exploration play Corazon Mining Limited may not be widely known but it is one the company’s shareholders are eager to see through to the end. Corazon Mining listed on the ASX in 2005 as Graynic Metals, an exploration company with a focus […]