Miramar Resources Identifies High Priority Bedrock Gold Target at Gidji JV

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Miramar Resources (ASX: M2R) has upgraded the 8-Mile target within the company’s Gidji JV project outside of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia.

Miramar Resources achievd the upgrade via reprocessing of geophysical data of the 8-Mile target that is located at the southern boundary of the Gidji JV project and abuts Northern Star Resources’ 8 Mile Dam gold deposit.

The company has interpreted the reprocessed data to demonstrate a well-defined gravity and Induced Polarisation (IP) anomaly north of the 8 Mile Dam Resource, which appears to have been offset by a SW-NE trending fault and underlies numerous aircore end of hole (EOH) results.

Miramar believes the combination of the multiple coincident datasets increases the potential for an extension to the 8 Mile Dam deposit within the Gidji JV project.

“We have multiple high-grade end of hole aircore gold results overlying an IP and gravity anomaly which looks very similar to the 8 Mile Dam gold deposit immediately south of our tenement boundary,” Miramar Resources executive chairman Allan Kelly said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The geophysical data suggests that the deposit may extend into our ground but has been offset approximately 400 metres to the northeast by a fault.

“The 8-Mile offset target is within reach of RC drilling and, unlike the targets further north, there is no paleochannel covering the basement geology.”

Miramar is reviewing options for testing the offset 8-Mile target including aircore drilling and/or RC drilling.