Metalicity Planning Next Kookynie Drilling Campaign

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Metalicity (ASX: MCT) has planning underway for the commencement of the next drilling campaign to be carried out at the company’s Kookynie gold project in the Goldfields region of Western Australia.

Metalicity explained the planning was got underway after it had received funds of $203,063 via a recent share placement.

The planning for the next drilling campaign will involve identifying locations prospective for gold mineralisation that has not been adequately tested through historical exploration.

Following recent high-grade gold results, Metalicity indicated it is fairly keen to get back on the ground.

The company expects to be drilling later in October and will keep the market updated on any developments.

“The recently completed placement is a fantastic endorsement of not only the project, but also how we and our farm-In partner, Nex Metals are developing the Kookynie area,” Metalicity managing director and CEO Jason Livingstone said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.

“Coupled with the recent results of our very short drilling program in September, I am excited to be potentially presenting more results in 2019.”

