Encounter Resources Score Further West Arunta High-Grade Niobium Intercepts
THE DRILL SERGEANT: Encounter Resources (ASX: ENR) announced further shallow, high-grade niobium intercepts via aircore drilling at the company’s Aileron project in the West Arunta region of Western Australia.
Encounter Resources’ 2024 aircore drill program is being undertaken to test and define areas of high-grade, shallow mineralisation near major structures across key targets it has previously identified at Aileron.
Based on the aircore results, the company envisages follow-up RC and potentially diamond drilling will test the depth extent of this mineralisation and provide further geological and metallurgical information.
A second batch of assays results from the Crean target includes additional shallow, high-grade niobium-REE mineralisation from previously reported results.
Aircore drilling at the Emily target returned shallow, high-grade niobium-REE mineralisation north and south of previously reported results.
“Aircore drilling is defining new belts of shallow niobium-REE carbonatite hosted mineralisation in the West Arunta,” Encounter Resources executive chairman Will Robinson said in the company’s ASX announcement.
“Highly enriched, near surface mineralisation has now been intersected at both the Crean and Emily targets which are located on separate structures at Aileron, over 10km apart.
“The aircore rig is currently completing further drill sections at the western end of Crean and will then return to Emily and Green.”