Bassari starts Senegal program

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Bassari Resources has commenced a program of combined reverse circulation and diamond drilling at the company’s Konkouto prospect in Senegal, West Africa.

Konkouto is one of 13 gold prospects Bassari has identified along 80 kilometres of strike situated within the Birimian Gold Belt in Senegal.

The company’s exploration permits are surrounded by multi-million ounce gold deposits in the 50 million ounce Kenieba Inlier region.


Prospect location map. Source: Company announcement

The company said the recent RAB drilling results along with previous trench and soil geochemistry at Konkouto have singled out the prospect to be of its highest priority prospects to advance.

“In September we reported gold intersected over a wide interval at Konkouto,” Bassari Resources managing director Jozsef Patarica said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.

“Drilling which has now commenced is targeted at following up these results to determine potential for a significant mineralised system.

“There are numerous artisanal workings in the area concentrated around the Konkouto Hill over an area of approximately 700 metres by 100 metres.”

The Konkouto Prospect is located 35km north east of Bassari’s most advanced gold discovery, the Makabingui project.

Previous shallow RC drilling conducted by Bassari to approximately 60 metres returned encouraging intercepts and enabled the company to identify a mineralised structure, which it said is controlled by a north north-west trending thrust fault, dipping to the east.

Recent RAB results have encouraged the company to consider the prospect to demonstrate potential for a large mineralised system.

Thor hammers Molyhil results

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Thor Mining has hammered out some positive outcomes from drill core assay results from a resource development drilling program at the company’s Molyhil tungsten and molybdenum project, 220 kilometres northeast of Alice Springs.

Highlights from the drilling include:

–    16.4 metres at 0.84 per cent tungsten and 0.56 per cent molybdenum from 43.6 metres including, 2.6m at 0.94 per cent tungsten and 0.83 per cent molybdenum from 44.4m, and 4.0m at 2.12 per cent tungsten and 0.33 per cent molybdenum from 56.0m;

–    9.0m at 1.48 per cent tungsten & 0.10 per cent molybdenum from 48.0m including, 4.0m at 2.93 per cent tungsten and 0.17 per cent molybdenum from 48.0m; and

–    1.0m at 3.7 per cent tungsten and 0.36 per cent molybdenum from 19.0m, and 0.5m at 24.28 per cent tungsten and 0.77 per cent molybdenum from 31.7m.


Molyhil site with 2011 drill hole placements. Source: Company announcement


Thor said these results compare very favourably with the project’s historical resource grade of 0.32 per cent tungsten and 0.19 per cent molybdenum.

“These are very positive results and provide confidence that the value of the proposed Molyhil mining operation has potential to be enhanced,” Thor Mining chairman Mick Billing said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.

“The assay grades from some of these intersections are substantially higher than the average grade of the resource.

“While a revised resources estimate has yet to be produced, and this is in process, we look forward to the outcome with keen anticipation.”

The two stage drilling program was carried out during July and August 2011 and comprised Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling to test for additional down plunge resource and diamond drilling designed to further enhance confidence in the near surface resource.
The 2011 Molyhil diamond drilling program was designed to test mineralisation previously defined by RC drilling to determine what difference (if any) there may be in results from the two drill methods.

The company said it expects the outcome of this work will enhance its confidence in the anticipated resource estimate.

With all data now to hand, a re-estimation of the Molyhil resource is underway and expected to be finalised before the year end.

Whinnen hits healthy intersections in Chile

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Recent drilling carried out by South American-focused copper-gold explorer Whinnen Resources mineralisation at the Nany-Varas project in northern Chile has intersected broad zones of gold, copper and base metal.

The company is nearing completion of its maiden diamond drilling program on the Nany-Varas project, having completed a total of 18 holes for 2,437 metres completed to date.


Whinnen project locations, Atacama Desert, Chile. Source: Company announcement


Encouraging assays of gold-copper and base metal mineralisation returned from drilling at Nany-Varas include:

–    28.25 metres at 1.82 grams per tonne gold, 17.2 grams per tonne silver, 0.36 per cent copper from 120 metyres, including 1.10 metres at 43.1 grams per tonne gold, 74.7 grams per tonne silver, 0.53 per cent copper from 131.60 metres;

–    22.15m at 1.48g/t gold, 3.4 g/t silver, 0.02 per cent copper from 159.50m, including 1.25m at 7.4g/t gold, 6.6 g/t silver, 0.01 per cent copper from 179.15m; and

–    11.66m at 0.13g/t gold, 12 g/t silver, 0.19 per cent copper, 1.30 per cent lead, 1.85 per cent zinc from 59.64m.

“These latest drilling results from the Nany Project are very encouraging,” Whinnen Resources managing director Tony Greenaway said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.

“Recent drilling has intersected wide zones of base metal and gold mineralisation with some very high grade internal zones. Indications are the mineralisation is changing with depth.”

“However, it is still early days for this project, and we intend to wait for all of the outstanding assay results to come back from the laboratory to complete a full review of what we have found here before we embark on a more detailed, systematic and measured exploration campaign at Nany in 2012.”

The project is located approximately 40 kilometres south along strike from the PanAust – Codelco JV Inca de Oro copper-gold project (Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 259 million tonnes grading 0.46 per cent copper and 0.13 grams per tonne gold), within the world-renowned Inca de Oro mining district in Northern Chile’s Atacama region.

The Inca de Oro area has been extensively mined for copper and gold and is currently the focus of significant exploration activity targeting copper and vein gold mineralisation.

Whinnen identified the geological target at Nany-Varas via mapping and surface rock sampling and claims it is a large auriferous, low-sulphidation vein system hosted in a dominantly andesitic volcanic and sedimentary sequence.

The company said that drilling it has carried out has confirmed that the vein system extends over a strike length of 800m and to a depth of more than 300m below surface.

Northwest focuses with Blue and Golden Specs

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Northwest Resources has commenced a diamond drilling program at the Blue Spec and Golden Spec gold-antimony deposits located within the company’s Nullagine gold & antimony project in the eastern Pilbara of Western Australia.

The drilling program is set to undertake approximately 1,600 metres of diamond core drilling, which will be directed at the Blue Spec Upper Zone, the Blue Spec Remnant Zone, and Golden Spec deposits.


Blue Spec and Golden Spec gold-antimony deposits. Source: Company announcement

Northwest has previously reported Mineral Resources for the Blue Spec Upper Zone and Golden Spec deposits.

Blue Spec Upper Zone:

–    89,000 tonnes grading 42.5 grams per tonne gold for 122,000 ounces of gold and 2.61 per cent antimony for 2,300 tonnes antimony.

Golden Spec:

–    273,000 tonnes grading 8.5g/t gold for 75,000 ounces of gold and 0.84 per cent antimony for 2,300 tonnes antimony, including 49,000 ounces at 18 g/t gold.

The company has also outlined a Target Mineralisation for the Blue Spec Remnant Zone of 90,000 tonnes to 100,000 tonnes grading 14 g/t to 16 g/t gold for 40,000 ounces to 50,000 ounces of gold.

Northwest said it has designed the diamond drilling program to recover a total of approximately 250 kilograms of ore zone material from the three domains.

This will be used for the first stage of a detailed metallurgical testwork program.

“In addition to providing Northwest with information on gold and antimony recovery which will be used in process flow design evaluation and capital cost estimates, the metallurgical test work program is designed to produce sample gold-antimony floatation concentrates from each of the domains,” Northwest Resources said in its ASX announcement.

“Assay analysis of the metal content of the floatation concentrates will enable Northwest to advance its ongoing discussions with parties interested in potential gold-antimony concentrate off-take and smelting arrangements with the company.”

Northwest said it expects the drilling program will be completed in around two months with the metallurgical testwork program being undertaken at the same time.

The company anticipates it will have final testwork results ready around five weeks following the completion of the drilling program.

Elementos extends Argentine drilling

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Argentina- focused ASX-listed exploration play Elementos has announced it is intending to extend its current drilling program.

The company currently has a Phase II drilling program being carried out at its Manantiales gold-silver project, located in San Juan Province, Argentina.


Source: Company announcement

The program is to be extended by an additional three diamond holes that Elementos has scheduled to be drilled in December as part of a new drilling rig commissioning.

This commissioning program has been planned by Energold, the company’s Phase I and Phase II drilling contractor.

Elementos will pay the cost of the drilling without normal mobilisation charges.

“The program will comprise approximately 600 metres aimed at testing the depth extensions of the Manantial vein and the new Manantial South vein,” Elementos said in is company announcement to the ASX.
“The results of the program are expected to be available in early 2012 and should provide important technical information for planning of future drilling programs.”

Stanmore Coal reads Gemini Resource

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Stanmore Coal has defined an initial JORC Inferred Resource of 95 million tonnes in the Gemini seam of the Rangal Coal Measures.

The Gemini coal seam was previously mined as a hard coking coal at BHP Billiton’s historical Leichhardt mine four kilometres to the west of the company’s Belview project.

The key seams, besides Gemini to have been identified and interpreted across the lease are the Aries, Orion and Pisces seams.

Source: Company announcement

Stanmore said it has further exploration planned to extend the Inferred Resource and to address core recovery issues it encountered in a number of the drill holes.

To date the Inferred Resource has been calculated from the Gemini seam only, based on testing of the central three holes of the initial six hole program completed in the western margin of the tenement.

The company said it anticipates being able to increase the initial JORC Inferred Resource once it has completed of further drilling.

Coal quality test work carried out on the three holes tested to date has led the company to consider the Gemini Seam capable of producing a dual product comprising a high quality hard coking and a low ash, high energy thermal coal.

Initial clean coal laboratory test results for the central three holes demonstrate a substantial improvement in coking properties from washing with a combined coking and thermal product yield of 90 per cent.

“These coal quality results put Belview coal at the premium end of the coking coal market with the potential to produce a prime hard coking product from seams of very clean coal that are up to six metres thick,” Stanmore Coal managing director Nick Jorss said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.

“With the increasing scarcity of hard coking coal world-wide and existing shallower mines being depleted we believe that we have identified a very valuable deposit at Belview.

“We will continue resource definition drilling next year with the aim of establishing a substantial JORC compliant resource in the main target seams.

“We will also commission a third party mining study to investigate the potential project economics at Belview using modern mining methods.”

Northern Star increases Paulsens potential

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Northern Star Resources has received a boost to its production target hopes in the form of high-grade drilling results from a recently discovered fault offset limb running parallel to the main Voyager One lode at the company’s Paulsens gold mine In Western Australia.

Results from the recent drilling at Paulsens include:

–    5.0 metres at 16.4 grams per tonne gold, including 1.15 metres at 44.5 grams per tonne gold;

–    3.2 m at 12.3 g/t gold;

–    4.5 m at 9.5 g/t gold;

–    4.6 m at 9.6 g/t gold; and

–    3.0 m at 6.3 g/t gold.

The new high grade zone is a fault offset of the Voyager One lode immediately adjacent to the area currently being mined.


High grade drilling in un-development resource outline of the upper zone offset limb. Source: Company announcement


The company is pleased by this as it said it can be included in the 2012 mine plan easily and quickly.

Northern Star said this will help underpin increases in production and mine life.

The company is now targeting an increase in production at Paulsens from around 80,000 ounces of gold per annum to 100,000 ounces of gold per annum.

It also aims to produce a further 100,000ozpa at its neighbouring Ashburton project.

According to Northern Star managing director Bill Beament the latest results continued to highlight the exploration potential at Paulsens, not just at depth, but within the immediate surrounds and, more importantly, in the upper levels where the capital infrastructure has already been spent.

“These are great results by any standards but they are particularly valuable in this case because the mineralisation can be cheaply and easily mined, providing a rapid boost to production and cashflow,” Beament said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.

As well as adding to the company’s performance forecasts, Northern Star said it considers the results to be important as they highlight potential to find additional gold mineralisation within the existing Paulsens mine area, which has been exposed to little or no exploration and evaluation.

As part of the 100,000oz per annum expansion strategy, the mine will take delivery of a second development jumbo in December.

Once this unit arrives, development out to the offset limb will commence.

Hemisphere picks up encouraging drill results

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Perth-based diversified exploration play Hemisphere Resources has announced the receipt of further encouraging results.

The results stem from a recently completed drilling program carried out on the company’s Yandicoogina South iron project.

The Yandicoogina project has a defined maiden JORC Indicated Resource of 4.3 million tonnes at 55.8 per cent iron.

The project is located six kilometres south of Rio Tinto’s Yandicoogina mine in the Pilbara region of Western Australia and according to Hemisphere represents a tributary of the Marillana Creek system.


Location of the Yandicoogina South Project. Source: Company announcement


Hemisphere Resources managing director Danny Costick said the aims of the recent drilling program were to test mineralisation in a tributary channel running south from the main Yandicoogina South ore body.

It was also set the tasks of testing the outcropping surface mineralisation the company had previously identified on hills around the existing Indicated Resource, and to infill gaps in the current drilling grid.

“Drilling at Yandicoogina South continues to return encouraging iron values, and each campaign adds to our growing understanding of the mineralisation,” Costick said in the company’s announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange.
“The latest results extend the known mineralisation and further extensions to the south require the grant of additional tenements that are currently under application.”

The company noted the surface rock chips recorded in the bedrock mineralisation were not replicated in the latest drilling.

It said this demonstrated the mineralisation to be a surface feature with no development at depth.

Altona drilling returns encouraging results

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Altona Mining announced a batch of encouraging drilling results from the company’s 100 per cent-owned Roseby copper project located in the Mt Isa-Cloncurry mining district in Queensland.

Altona has completed a 15 hole and 2,850 metre RC drilling program at the Ivy Ann copper-gold deposit, situated 30 kilometres south-east of the main Roseby project area.

The company identified the most significant result from the drilling program to be a high-grade portion of mineralisation of 2m at 19 per cent copper, which was intersected at shallow levels at the north of the deposit where it remains open to the north.

Altona said it had designed the drilling to increase resources and improve understanding of the continuity and style of mineralisation at Ivy Ann.

The drilling will also provide the company with material for initial metallurgical test work.

Highlights received from 12 drillholes so far at a 0.30 per cent copper cut-off grade include:

–    13 metres at 3.42 per cent copper and 0.45 grams per tonne gold from 21m, including 2 metres at 19.4 per cent copper and 2.69 grams per tonne gold from 22 metres;
–    25m at 1.21 per cent copper and 0.15 g/t gold from 184m, including 9m at 2.17 per cent copper and 0.29 g/t gold from 185m;

–    23m at 1.18% copper and 0.25 g/t gold from 41m, including 7m at 2.16 per cent copper and 0.48 g/t gold from 42m; and

–    35m at1.10 per cent copper from 88m.

“The significance of the Ivy Ann deposit is that it has the potential to provide supplementary feed to the proposed new mine and mill at Little Eva at a higher grade than the average grade of Little Eva,” Altona Mining said in its ASX announcement.

“Drilling was designed to test possible extensions to the west, north and down-dip and to infill existing drilling.

“The majority of the holes intersected sulphide copper-gold mineralisation.

“Assay results have been received for 12 holes and confirm continuations to north, west and down dip.

“Numerous zones of mineralisation up to 35 metres down hole were intersected often including high grade intervals above one per cent copper.”

Encounter hits new copper target

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Encounter Resources has identified a new large scale copper oxide position to the south of the BM1 prospect.

Broad spaced aircore drilling completed in October at the BM7 prospect has identified broad zones of copper/cobalt anomalism with a number of holes ending in mineralisation.

The BM1 and BM7 prospects are two of several prospects situated within the company’s 100 per cent-owned Yeneena project.

The Yeneena project covers 1300 square kilometres of the Paterson Province in Western Australia.

The targets Encounter has identified at Yeneena are located adjacent to major regional faults and have been located through electromagnetics, geochemistry and structural targeting.


Yeneena project leasing and targets areas. Source: Company announcement

The BM7 prospect is located 2.5 kilometres south of Encounter’s BM1 copper discovery and, according to the company, has extended the area of copper oxide mineralisation along the regionally extensive McKay fault to over 8km in strike.

“The eight kilometre long copper system includes the BM1 high grade copper discovery, the BM6 copper oxide position and the recent BM7 oxide discovery,” Encounter Resources said in its ASX nnouncement.

“Encounter controls a further eleven kilometres of strike along the McKay Fault to the south of the BM7 discovery.

“The location of the higher grade copper mineralisation along the McKay fault is coincident with the intersection of three identified north-east trending structures.”

The north-east trending structure at BM7, the Queen fault, is mineralised over 3.5km of strike and remains open along strike.

Encounter said the copper oxide mineralisation it has seen at BM7 is most extensive at the intersection of the Queen and McKay faults.

“At this location, the copper oxide anomalism in excess of 0.1 per cent copper extended over an area approximately one kilometre by 750 metres.

“It is also noted that the anomalism seen at this location often extends from the base of cover to the bottom of the aircore drill holes.”

Encounter has commenced a two hole diamond drilling program at BM7.

The first hole in this program tested a discrete electromagnetic conductor along the McKay fault in the north of BM7.

A zone of visible disseminated copper sulphide mineralisation was observed from a depth of 246m to 260m.

The company will now conduct a downhole EM survey to determine if the observed copper sulphides are associated with the modelled conductor.

The second diamond hole has commenced that the company anticipates to be completed within the next two weeks.