Fenix Resources Provides Iron Ridge Mineral Resource Estimate Update

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Fenix Resources (ASX: FEX) reported an updated JORC code-compliant Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the company’s 100 per cent-owned Iron Ridge iron ore mine in Western Australia.

Fenix Resources has increased the Iron Ridge MRE by 8.5 million tonnes taking it to 13.4 million tonnes at 64.9 per cent iron.

This includes 4.3 million tonnes at 65.9 per cent iron in the Indicated category and 9 million tonnes at 64.4 per cent iron as Inferred.

The company said it had maintained high-grade and continuity of the Iron Ridge ore body with potential for further resource base expansion.

Fenix declared the updated MRE enhances the company’s geological confidence for the project and provides a basis for future exploration and updated mine planning and Ore Reserve Estimate updates.

“Maintaining our excellent high-grade iron ore production from Iron Ridge is a priority for Fenix,” Fenix Resources executive chairman John Welborn said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The success of our recent exploration program has significantly improved our understanding of the deposit and the addition of more than eight million tonnes of high-grade iron ore to our mineral resource estimate provides a strong foundation for future growth.

“Fenix is committed to unlocking the full potential of the remarkable Iron Ridge ore body and we are confident in our ability to continue our strong mining and operational performance while respecting and preserving important heritage areas.

“We are on track for an exciting 2025 with an expected mine plan update for Iron Ridge, ongoing production from the Shine Iron Ore Mine, and the commencement of production from our third operating mine at Beebyn-W11.

“We continue to look for further opportunities to expand our operations to deliver long-term value for all our stakeholders.”




Emmerson Resources Commences Resource Drilling at White Devil Gold Project

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Emmerson Resources (ASX: ERM) has kicked off RC drilling at the company’s White Devil gold project at Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

Emmerson Resources is carrying out a 35 hole program that will include approximately 3,500m of RC drilling targeting a previously undrilled shallow eastern extension to known high-grade gold mineralisation that was mined from 1987 to 1999.

The company explained the target area was previously not accessible due to surface infrastructure that was removed during mine decommissioning.

Emmerson describes the White Devil gold project as a high-grade gold mine that remains open to the east and at depth.

The mine produced over 760,000 ounces of gold from 1.6 million tonnes of ore at a recovered grade of 14.6 grams per tonne gold, predominately from underground mining, prior to its closure in 1999, primarily as a result of low gold price of the time, with accessible mineralisation known to remain.

“It is anticipated that drilling at White Devil will be completed prior to Christmas and assay results are anticipated to be reported in early 2025,” Emmerson Resources said in its ASX announcement.



GreenTech Metals Set for Resource Expansion Drilling Planned at Whundo Copper Project

THE DRILL SERGEANT: GreenTech Metals (ASX: GRE) is readying to commence a second stage drill program at the company’s Whundo copper-zinc project in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia.

GreenTech Metals hopes to commence drilling in the coming weeks of a program aiming to confirm potential for substantial Resource expansion at the Whundo cluster of VMS style copper-zinc deposits, following the first program completed in July 2024.

The drill program is planned to focus on the under-explored mineralised prospects at the project of Austin, Shelby, Yannery and Ayshia.

GreenTech anticipates DHEM surveys undertaken on these initial drill holes will result in highlighting of additional conductor targets which may also be tested as part of this planned program.

“Following hot on the heels of a successful first stage of drilling, this next campaign will get underway this year to further test potential extensions to the mineralised shoots comprising the Whundo VMS cluster,” GreenTech Metals executive director Tom Reddicliffe said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“In particular, we eagerly await the outcome of testing the exceptional Shelby conductor which eclipses other targets in the field with respect to its scale.

“This target is a clear standout and will be a priority to be drilled.

“Given the nature of VMS clusters, and the multiple opportunities for resource growth we believe a project with around 10-15Mt would make a significant difference to the economics of the Whundo Copper project and represents a potentially achievable target for exploration going forward.”




Warriedar Resources Makes New High-Grade Antimony Discovery

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Warriedar Resources (ASX: WA8) declared a new antimony discovery from recent RC drilling undertaken at the company’s Golden Range project, located in the Murchison region of Western Australia.

Warriedar Resources has had some drilling wins this year along the ‘Golden Corridor’ located within the Golden Range project, within which is the Ricciardo deposit with a Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) hosting 948,000 ounces gold.

Lifting its eyes from Ricciardo, Warriedar’ final RC drilling campaign for 2024 focussed on scout drilling at Azure Coast a group of historical pits located approximately 4 km south of Ricciardo and extending across a slightly longer strike length of approx. 2.6 km.

Drillhole AZRC003 was fast tracked to the lab after high antimony pXRF readings and visible stibnite were recorded.

Assays returned high-grade antimony including:

8 metres at 2.17 per cent antimony from 106m
2m at 1.92 per cent antimony from 122m.

“The discovery of high-grade antimony mineralisation approximately 4km south of Ricciardo substantially enhances the prospectivity of the broader ‘Golden Corridor’ for this critical metal, along with the entire shear of the broader Golden Range Project,” Warriedar Resources managing director and CEO Amanda Buckingham said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“This outcome also follows the highly encouraging initial antimony metallurgical testwork results for Ricciardo that we released last week.

“While we are excited about this emerging opportunity, I want to emphasise again that pursuit of this opportunity will be in parallel with our growth-focussed gold drilling at Golden Range, which remains our current core focus.”




Black Canyon Confirms Outcropping Manganese at Wandanya

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Black Canyon (ASX: BCA) recently completed detailed mapping and pXRF analysis of rock chip samples undertaken within the manganese corridors at the company’s Wandanya project in Western Australia.

Black Canyon cautioned market watchers that the results reported stemmed from visual estimates and pXRF readings and not laboratory analyses.

However, the company appeared confident the results demonstrate the scale potential of the manganese mineralisation discovered at Wandanya and potential for high-grade iron formations, which had not been previously drilled or mapped prior to Black Canyon prospecting the targets.

The portable XRF (pXRF) analysis identified multiple widespread rock chip samples with consistently similar grades to the RC drilling Black Canyon previously completed at W2, ranging between 30 and 50 per cent manganese.

Three kilometres overall strike of outcropping manganese mineralisation has now been confirmed, of which only 240 metres has been drill tested.

“Following the successful recent RC drill program, detailed mapping and rock chip sampling assay results continue to impress,” Black Canyon managing director Brendan Cummins said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“We are seeing strike extensive mineralisation along a 3km long corridor, which demonstrates the scale potential of this new and unique style of manganese mineralisation.

“Widespread outcrops and consistent high-grade manganese results from drilling and rock chip sampling are becoming a clear characteristic of the Wandanya discovery.

“In addition, we are eagerly awaiting the assay results from rock-chip sampling of the extensive hematite enriched iron formations also mapped in the area that look quite prospective.

“We look forward to returning with an RC rig in 2025 to further test these compelling targets along strike and down dip to determine their full-scale potential.”




Miramar Resources Confirms Chain Pool Project Sedex Mineralisation

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Miramar Resources (ASX: M2R) has outlined a 700m long anomaly displaying Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) characteristics at the company’s Chain Pool project in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.

Miramar Resources identified the anomaly via soil sampling at the Joy Helen prospect within the Chain Pool project.

The company declared the anomaly exhibits similarities to known Sedimentary Exhalative lead-zinc-silver deposits such as the high-grade Lady Loretta deposit in Queensland.

Miramar explained the Chain Pool project is located close to a major global-scale geological feature which is also known to host all large SEDEX base metal deposits in Australia.

“We originally pegged the Chain Pool Project due to the presence of mapped Durlacher Supersuite granite, which is the same unit that hosts the Yangibana and YIN rare earth deposits, but we quickly realised the potential for other deposit types,” Miramar Resources executive chairman Allan Kelly said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“Our initial rock chip sampling confirmed the historic high-grade mineralisation at Joy Helen and now, the results of our recent soil sampling have almost doubled the potential strike length of the prospect.

“Significantly, recent data collected at Chain Pool compares favourably with published data from known SEDEX deposits.

“We look forward to systematically progressing the opportunity at Chain Pool.”




Anax Metals Confirms High-Grade Evelyn Intersections

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Anax Metals (ASX: ANX) reported assay results for four diamond drill holes completed in August at the Evelyn project, part of the company’s Whim Creek project southwest of Port Hedland in Western Australia.

Anax Metals explained the purpose of the latest program was to test for down-plunge extensions and to increase drill density for resource conversion purposes.

The best intersection encountered was:

9.7 metres at 2.65 per cent coper equivalent (CuEq) from 180.3m, including 3.2m at 5.63 per cent CuEq from 186m.

The company drilled a further hole designed to intersect the high-grade shoot below previously announced drill hole JER074.

13m at 2.56 per cent copper, 4.98 per cent zinc, 1.92 grams per tonne gold and 41g/t silver.

Anax declared Evelyn to remain open down plunge where the company is planning a Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling program for the coming quarter that it anticipates testing the potential plunge position at Evelyn as part of the campaign.

“Evelyn drilling continues to deliver high grade intersections, and we are excited to be expanding our exploration focus within the Evelyn region,” Anax Metals managing director Geoff Laing said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The deposit remains open at depth which we will test in future along with current work focussing on targets with similar high-grade potential.”




Dreadnought Resources Reports High-Grade Indicated Mangaroon Gold Resource

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Dreadnought Resources (ASX: DRE) reported a JORC Code 2012-complaint Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the company’s Star of Mangaroon project in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.

Dreadnought Resources declared the MRE as a high confidence Resource with approx. 84 per cent labelled in the Indicated category.

The Resource sits on a mining lease with minimal production permits required and is considered amenable to open pit mining and remains open at depth and along strike.

The numbers have come in at 56,600 tonnes at 12.8 grams per tonne gold for 23,300 ounces gold.

This includes Indicated Resources of 44,400 tonnes at 13.6g/t gold for 19,500 ounces and Inferred Resources of 12,200 tonnes at 9.8g/t gold for 3,900 ounces.

The company labelled the initial Resource as a major milestone in its strategy to become a self-funded explorer indicating it will form the foundation for an open pit scoping study that is currently underway and expected to be completed in the March 2025 quarter.

“We are pleased that the Star of Mangaroon has delivered a high-grade Resource that supports the prospects for commercialisation,” Dreadnought Resources managing director Dean Tuck said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“High grades, near surface and with exceptionally high metallurgical recoveries make the Star of Mangaroon a strong foundation for our self-funded explorer strategy.

“Over the next 12 months, Dreadnought will be focused on bringing the Star of Mangaroon into production and producing cashflow while outsourcing funding, development, haulage and processing to third parties.

“In parallel with this focus on development, will be delivering additional mineable ounces from our other advanced prospects also located on mining leases while building a pipeline of high-grade gold targets for drill testing in 2025.”





Arrow Minerals Extends Known Niagara Bauxite Mineralisation

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Arrow Minerals (ASX: AMD) reported assays from a maiden drilling program recently conducted on the company’s Niagara bauxite project in Guinea.

Arrow Minerals delivered the second batch of results its first drilling at the Niagara bauxite project, which it reported to have defined high-grade bauxite to over five kilometres cumulative strike within trucking distance of a multi-user railway.

Results from the latest batch of assays include:

7 metres at 49.4 per cent aluminium oxide (Al2O3), 0.7 per cent silicon dioxide (SiO2) from surface;

6m at 48.3 per cent Al2O3, 2.6 per cent SiO2 from surface;

6m at 45.7 per cent Al2O3, 1 per cent SiO2 from surface;

5m at 49.5 per cent Al2O3, 3 per cent SiO2 from surface;

8m at 43.3 per cent Al2O3, 3.3 per cent SiO2 from 6m; and

3m at 45.5 per cent Al2O3, 2 per cent SiO2 from 3m.

Arrow indicated it still has assays from another 90 holes pending.

“These are more strong results which have delineated three broad zones of mineralisation from surface over a combined 5km strike length within trucking distance of a multi-user railway at a time of record alumina and bauxite prices,” Arrow Minerals managing director David Flanagan said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“Guinea is the world’s largest and most important supplier of high-quality bauxite.

“These results are comfortably in line with the product that has made Guinea the world’s number one bauxite producer.

“Guinea bauxite is in high demand contributing approximately 30% of global consumption and at 45% Al2O3 and 3% SiO2 is currently approaching US$100/t CIF China.

“Arrow is focused on achieving its goal to be a low-capital, highly profitable mining operation that will serve as a platform for future growth.

“We are very excited about our drilling results and look forward to receiving more over the coming weeks, with the goal of estimating resources to form the basis for our planned Scoping Study to follow in the first half of 2025.”






Encounter Resources Confirms High-Grade West Arunta Niobium Discovery at Green

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Encounter Resources (ASX: ENR) claimed confirmation of extensive, enriched, high-grade niobium mineralisation at the company’s 100 per cent-owned Aileron project in the West Arunta region of Western Austtralia.

Encounter Resources made the declaration on the back of the first RC drilling results received from the Green prospect at the Aileron project where assay results confirmed the presence of high-grade niobium mineralisation in the upper portion of the system.

The company said the results demonstrate the continuity of the high-grade niobium system from next door neighbour WA1’s Luni discovery in the south-west, across the tenement boundary into Green.

New intercepts from Green include:

116 metres at 1.7 per cent niobium from 52m to EOH, including 28m at 3.3 per cent niobium from 62m and 32m at 2.1 per cent niobium from 95m; and

81m at 1.5 per cent niobium from 39m, including 43m at 2.4 per cent niobium from 43m.

Encounter highlighted the 197 metres intersection of hole EAL894, claiming it to be the highest ‘grade x thickness’ RC drill intercept returned from the entire West Arunta province to date.

The company’s initial RC drilling at Green has now established a zone of strike extensive, thick, high-grade mineralisation, and subsequently, a diamond hole has been completed for metallurgical test work.

Further batches of assays from the remaining 30 RC holes completed across approx. 2km of strike at the western part of Green will be returned in the coming months.

“Green is a large mineralised carbonatite (+3km long) containing multiple zones of shallow, high-grade niobium mineralisation identified with aircore drilling,” Encounter Resources executive chairman Will Robinson said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“The first RC holes completed at the western side of Green demonstrate some of the best, depth extensive niobium mineralisation in the West Arunta.

“A further 30 RC drill holes have been completed at Green, through the better mineralised zones defined by aircore drilling, and we look forward to providing further assay results in the months ahead.”