Brightstar Resources Releases Aspacia Mineral Resource Estimate
THE DRILL SERGEANT: Brightstar Resources (ASX: BTR) released an initial Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Aspacia deposit within the company Menzies gold project in Western Australia.
Brightstar Resources has now increased the total Menzies MRE by around 20 per cent since taking ownership of the project in late May 2023.
The Aspacia JORC 2012-compliant MRE has come in at 1.37 million tonnes at 1.6 grams per tonne gold for 70,000 ounces of gold at a 0.5g/t gold cut-off grade.
Within the Aspacia MRE, there is a high-grade subset of 290,000 tonnes at 3.72g/t gold for approx. 35,000 ounces using a 2g/t gold cut-off grade.
Brightstar said the Mineral Resource growth vindicates the company’s strategy strategy of identifying, drilling and delineating areas considered prospective to hold future potentially mineable ounces.
“We are delighted to announce that we’ve added a further 70,00 ounces to the Menzies gold project, with +90,000 ounces added by Brightstar to the original 505,000 ounces acquired three quarters ago through the transaction with Kingwest Resources Ltd,” Brightstar Resources managing director Alex Rovira said in the company’s ASX announcement.
“Encouragingly, the Selkirk-First Hit-Lady Shenton trend seems to be distinct to that of the Aspacia deposit, which may lead to similar repetitions north and south of Aspacia and warrants further follow up exploration which we’ll target in our upcoming drilling programs set to re-commence this quarter.
“The results from the previous drilling and the MRE output utilising a typical underground mining economic cut-off grade indicates to Brightstar that strong potential exists to assess a modest-scale underground operation at Aspacia given the grades and widths observed.
“With the technical PFS work streams underway, RC and diamond drilling will shortly recommence at Brightstar’s projects and conduct large programs targeting conversion and upgrades to our current MREs proposed to be mined within our BTR 2023 Scoping Study, along with Linden gold projects at Second Fortune and Jasper Hills.”