Brightstar Resources Encounters High-Grades Drilling at Menzies

THE DRILL SERGEANT: Brightstar Resources (ASX: BTR) received assays from a recently completed RC drilling program at the Link Zone and Aspacia deposits at the company’s Menzies gold project in Western Australia.

Brightstar Resources completed a 28-hole RC drilling program at the Aspacia deposit, with best intercepts including:

1 metre at 18.88 grams per tonne gold from 56m;

1m at 13.91g/t gold from 60m;

1m at 13.03g/t gold from 84m; and

1m at 9.55g/t gold from 88m.

The company said the intercepts highlight the high-grade narrow vein nature of the mineralised system at Aspacia that is typical of the rich Menzies goldfield.

Brightstar has commenced work to deliver a JORC Mineral Resource Estimate for Aspacia targeted for released in Q1 2024.

Link Zone assays continued to demonstrate shallow mineralisation with potential for near-surface open pit extraction opportunities, including:

7m at 1.74g/t gold from 16m; and

1m at 3.93g/t gold from 35m.

“The RC drilling results returned at Aspacia continue to show strong continuity along strike and at depth, with multiple lodes of high-grade, narrow vein gold mineralisation delineated over a significant strike length of over 600m,” Brightstar Resources managing director Alex Rovira said in the company’s ASX announcement.

“This drilling program was designed to test along strike and down dip from known previous drilling intercepts and historical mining records, in preparation for delineation of a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate targeted for release later this quarter.

“This mineralisation style is common for the Menzies Goldfield and the Aspacia deposit, where the underground workings were historically mined at +30g/t gold.

“It is encouraging to see the consistency of the gold-bearing structures and intercepts across a strike length of 600m and up to 180m down dip and still open across the deposit.

“We are also encouraged by Link Zone also delivering economic (+0.5g/t gold) hits in twelve of fifteen holes drilled in late 2023 complementing the existing results announced on 22 January 2024.”